Day 0

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" Hey! Wake the fuck up!" I woke up with the shock of cold water being thrown at me. I cough out the water as I almost choke on it and I look up to see Gunchul standing before me, Staring angrily at me. Shit! What the fuck is wrong with this bitch? They never threw water at me before not even to wake me up.

" What the fuck do you want!?" I yell back at him not caring if it may head to my early death. I'm so tired of their shit already! No one fucking dared to wake me up like that and they better pay for it dearly in the future. Immediately I felt the burning sensation on my cheek after he slapped me across the face.

" Talk back to me one more time, you piece of shit and I swear that-" Gunchul raises his hand to hit me again but was stopped by Bobby's hand on his wrist. I secretly smile slightly at my savior of the day.

" Sorry sir. it's time for him to eat and I need him conscious for that." Bobby said still respectful towards his boss. Gunchul glared at him for interrupting but then cleared his throat before leaving. After Gunchul left, Bobby took a chair and sits down in front of me. "Thanks." I mumble to him as I try to recover from that slap. " Don't thank me. I just needed you conscious so that I can do my job." Bobby replies bluntly and I chuckle at his response. Leeteuk used to be like that when he first came in the group, He pretended not to get along with the members even though he is the leader but deep inside he cared for us in his own way until he became the happy and silly person he is today. I sigh. God I miss Leeteuk so much! I wonder if he is still okay and alive......

" Open your mouth." Bobby ordered and I obey, receiving a piece of fried shrimp in my mouth. Mmm~ Bobby has out done himself this time. He focused on feeding me every piece of fried shrimp and plantains carefully and gentle. " Bobby" I call him and he doesn't respond but I continued anyway. " Can you let me stand? My butt is so numb." I've been sitting here tired for a month. Only stand up when i need to use the bathroom." I try to beg but don't beg since i feel like all my energy left my body. " It's not up to me." He said feeding me the last fried shrimp.

" That's right it's not up to him to decide but don't worry Heechul you can finally see the sunlight. " Me and Bobby looked over at Gunchul who is now leaning against the door frame.

" What do you mean?" I ask as bobby stays silent. Gunchul sighs walking inside of whatever you call this place and placed his hand on bobby's shoulders. " You can go now, you already fed him." Gunchul says and bobby obeys standing up from the chair and leaving me alone with this psychopath. Gunchul sits down on the chair that bobby was sitting at and I almost puked at his appearance. " Listen to me very well Kim Heechul and listen very well. You are no longer important to me nor for Angel therefore I believe it's time for your existance to perish." Gunchul started and I already felt my heart sink to my stomach. So it's like this huh? This is where i die? Stinky and ugly looking in a place full of rats and insects like if i was an animal?

" You see, I wanted you dead right away when Angel finished her plastic surgery to look just like you. Gunchul says placing his hand on his chest proud of himself while i fell numb at the Angel part.

" W-what did you say? A-abou Angel?" I ask stuttering.

" Angel? Oh nothing except for she got plastic surgery to look like you in order to steal your man." Gunchul responded smirking evilly. Out of all of the outside news that I could have first listened to it had to be this one. I feel so angry as my blood boils inside me but i'm too scared to do anything. " Anyway as I was saying I wanted to kill you but Angel wants to spare you for a while longer. 3 days Heechul. you have three days to live. In those three days you can pick three of your favorite places and we'll visit them. you can chose to go anywhere beside going home or seeing your friends. And keep this in mind, you are going to see the world one last time....So appreciate what angel is offering." Gunchul finished and I felt so numb. Three days before my death. I feel so scared and helpless and I want to cry! none of this feels so real! it feels like in the end it was all just a prank but it isn't...

I felt Gunchul behind me untying the rope. My heart beats out of my chest because this time it is different. He is not untying the rope because it's old or that i needed to go to the bathroom but because I am going to walk and see the outside world again.

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