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Today, Was finally the day of the wedding and Heechul's pulse was beating rapidly. He was sweaty and nervous and he couldn't control his breathing. He was huffing and suffocating by himself as he sat in front of the mirror. He  had already gotten an ice bag  where he placed it on his forehead and pink cherry cheeks but mainly on top of his head where the ice water wet his long hair. The suit that he had chosen was indeed scarlet red and it was elegant and nice looking  with it's shiny gold buttons and golden chain he wore as the belt. He had, had an argument with leeteuk about wearing the smurf tuxedo and he succeeded in convincing him to not wear it. (and by convincing i mean threatening with knife and canceling the wedding.) To him Everything had to be perfect and sweet, so that he could feel more special than he already is. Although his friends and family won't make it because they don't know about the wedding  but he still has his 2nd family who are also very important to him. "Hey heechul man! are you ready?" Kyuhyun who has also fixed himself to look nice in a tuxedo, happily entered heechul's room with the same excitement the other members has. 

" I'm not so sure" Answered heechul with a shaky voice. Heechul is strong but in this kind of moment he felt like crying again. 

"C'mon! this is your biggest moment. your tears are inappropriate for this theme. smile" 

Heechul tried to smile but his shivering lips only let him release more tears. unfortunately for him marrying the man he loves is too overwhelming. "Are you happy or are you regretting this wedding?" Kyuhyun asked which gained him an evil glare from the mirror's reflection of heechul. "Look i was just joking, now get up it's gonna be late." 

Kyuhyun grabbed heechul from the arm and dragged him out of the house. "That limo has been waiting for a long time. you need to be ready by the time it stops at your destination." Heechul hummed and got inside the limousine carefully breathing his last air as an unmarried man. He waved Kyuhyun goodbye and leaned back on his seat. 

~*~**~*~Meanwhile on the wedding place!*~*~*~*~*~~

"He's only going to yell at you for the rest of your life!"

"He won't cook for you"

"At least he might be good at sex. did you guys have sex yet?" 

"Man~ Drink enjoy your last time as a single man."

Leeteuk was stuck in a situation where the members kept blabbing about 'enjoy your last moment and drink' They kept telling leeteuk to drink and chug but leeteuk hasn't drank a single wine or liquor ever since he woke up this morning. Going to get married with kim heechul wasn't depressing him in any sort of way for him to be drinking and celebrating his last day as a single man, in fact it's quite the opposite, he was more than grateful to be married to the one he loves the most so he drank one sip to get the members from bothering him any longer. Like heechul he wanted everything to be perfect and well. He needn't drink a single cup of liquor because he didn't want to mess anything up. Everything was perfectly done well for the wedding but heechul and leeteuk felt this uncertainty and this feeling that something bad might happen. Both of them had no clue at what will happen on their wedding day. Leeteuk had gotten a circular bright crystal as heechul's wedding ring. He didn't buy it because it was fancy or cool or that it was worth a lot of money but he did buy it because he truly believed that their love would last for eternity like this crystal. But once he saw the ring a sudden feeling of danger struck his guts and he shook it aside. He is going to marry heechul and he was glad of making his dreams into a reality. 


Everything was right where the couple  and ryeowook wanted it to be. The guest (members) has sat on their seats trying to hide their drunkenness and look professional, The judge is stern and waiting for what they all like to call heechul 'the bride', and finally leeteuk was dressed and prepared for his lines. There was a carpet spread across the floor with white lilies thrown on it. The place they booked was an indoors place with a fancy chandelier and elegant looking tables. even though this was usually a place that was really dark even with lights on, ryeowook has worked hard to fix it to look like one of the brightest places. A black car stopped in front of the place and a woman carrying a black purse came out. She had a beige pencil dress with a black long scarf around her shiny shoulders and an elegant hat that covered half of her beautiful face her bright red lipstick shining in the distance. She walked with her heels and sat on a table on the back quietly and swift. Leeteuk didn't pay much attention to her because he was guessing someone invited her but mostly because he was too nervous and worried for when heechul comes. Plus he was mentally memorising his lines.

Shortly after   2 minutes a black limousine stopped in front of the building and the 'soon to be' bride came out of the limo with a wide bright smile to show everyone this was his day. Leeteuk who had been standing neutral could also not help to but smile when he saw heechul coming out of the car. His pulse was racing and he could not believe this special moment was happening, heechul too who was not smiling out of pleasure for himself, smiled for real when he saw leeteuk. He walked across the carpet with kyuhyun on his arm. he didn't look at nobody else but leeteuk. Nothing else. nobody else. only leeteuk. soon enough heechul finally reached the end of the carpet and the couple clutched each other's hands like if they hadn't seen each other for an eternity and they didn't want to release their hands. With one look in their eyes leeteuk and heechul who were unready finally felt like if they were ready a long ago.

"Ahem. It's time to begin" Called out the judge interrupting the couple's reunion . The judge pulled out a paper where the couple signed it and then the judge began. "Do you Park Jeung su take Kim Heechul to be  your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forwards, for better to worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death due you part. leeteuk turned to look at heechul's eyes before breathing out and saying "I do." With the warm hearts of the guest heechul smiled and continued holding leeteuk's hand as tight as he could. 

"And now, do you Kim heechul take Park jeung su to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death due you part." 

Heechul  who's heart was beating too fast responded slowly. "I-" But before he could finish his word a gunshot was heard and the couple looked over at the judge who had been shot in the chest area. As the guest started to scream and run from their chairs the woman from before with the beige pencil dress came out with a gun in her hand. She aimed her gun at heechul who was too shocked to move, The woman who looked determined and ready to shoot pulled the trigger But instead of the bullet breaking through heechul's skin it burned into the flesh of leeteuk's shoulders as he jumped in front of the bullet for heechul's sake. Heechul finally got a hold of himself and ran towards leeteuk who was bleeding on the floor. "Leeteuk honey! please say something!!!!" Heechul yelled over the screaming and running members. 

"No! not him" Screamed the woman who was trying to shoot heechul. Heechul only looked at her with a burning rage and he wanted her head to explode into millions of pieces. From the car where the woman came from two buff men with guns came out, one made   the members lean on the wall with their arms in the air. Both of them had a mask on their faces making it hard for heechul to get the details of their faces. The other guy came closer to heechul, aimed and pulled the trigger.

This time, without an interruption from leeteuk or anybody else finally a needle that was shot from the man's gun pierced into heechul's arm and he felt this burning sensation before he started to feel tired  and sleepy, The only thing that heechul could see was the blurriness starting to expand on his eye vision. He sensed this was the end so he lowered his head next to leeteuk's his hair softly tickling the layer on leeteuk's skin and heechul kissed leeteuk one last time on the lips before completely passing out. Then the woman shot all of the chandeliers the sounds of glass breaking and the light leaving the life of this place and the members was left with darkness, they heard a little shuffling and grunting. They heard the woman calling an ambulance for leeteuk before disappearing in the darkness. 


Hey everyone thanks for reading i hope you enjoyed and none of the 83line couple died. please vote once in awhile and comment!^^ chaou  now author-nim will go to sleep since it's 1;03 am. annyeoung~~ 

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