New foundings

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Heechul and Leeteuk we're very close. They play around together, they hang, share things, even sometimes if Heechul allows it they sleep together. They couldn't be separated they we're that close. When they went out and they had fun leeteuk would give the sweetest smile ever, and heechul liked it. heechul didn't feel awkward around leeteuk. they couldn't be separated! at least that's what heechul thought.

But now leeteuk doesn't smile anymore. he had been silent these past few weeks. first he talked to heechul most of the time but mostly avoided spending time with heechul. then he avoided eye contact or a conversation. next, every time leeteuk sees heechul's face he frowns. now he avoids and ignores heechul all together.

Heechul doesn't know what's wrong with leeteuk all he knows is that leeteuk sure did a good job at making him feel like shit. one second they we're okay then the next one has a problem for no reason! "No matter, it's not like I need you" thought heechul. but couldn't help but feel that he did something wrong without noticing. so once again for the 5th time he found himself thinking long and hard about the problem. then heechul got up from his bed into the dark short hallway across to leeteuks's door. He hesitated but he made it to knock three times on the door. "who?" someone on the inside let out. heechul's hands started to shake. he took a gulp. "it's me, heechul." he said. on the other side of the door there was no response but pure silence as heechul began to wonder. heechul knocked again and again for 50 minutes straight until shindong whom was next to leeteuk's door came out and scolded heechul. heechul gave a death glare. "remember who's your eldest" heechul said. shindong smiled nervously " I was just kidding!" he said and hurried to his room. heechul understood shindong he was probably bothering the rest of the members as well.
But he didn't want to leave like this! his knuckles hurts. even though heechul didn't expect the door to open just like that, he tried the door handle and to his surprise the door opened! "What the-" thought heechul as the door creaked open. And all this time he had been knocking at the door! heechul thought he was an idiot. after he heard some shifting in the room was when he snapped back into his senses and remembered what he was doing in the first place. "which was?" Heechul thought. as heechul slowly made his way into the bedroom he could see a figure lying in bed. snoring. "what the? You fall a sleep after how hard i've been knocking on the door!" heechul sat on the ground next to leeteuk's bed arguing whether he should wake him Or not. Heechul didn't want to wake him because leeteuk would be even madder but this was a chance. a chance to discuss, to make things right!, or to even just know what's wrong the truth. who knows if he might lock the door next time? maybe he forgot to lock tonight therefore he cannot waste this chance! all heechul knows is that he didn't want to be ignored again in the morning.
So heechul started to shift leeteuk back and forth until he awoke.

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