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Hey! guys i'm going to do POV's to the following characters Leeteuk,heechul, and the kidnapper Angel, based on the same time but just different POV. okay? ait! please enjoy (Play song while reading!< if you'd like you don't have to :) 


I wake up and i am scared, confused, and  I don't remember where i am or what happened before. All i see is blurriness as i try hard to focus my eyes. My environment was really chilly and disturbing. I try to move but a sudden shock of pain appeared on my shoulder and i winced loudly throwing myself back on the pillow. "Leeteuk?" i heard a familiar voice in the distance. "Shindong?" I called back and a sudden head popped out from the door. "Oh my god it's really you" he said chuckling and smiling. He walked closer to me, eyeing me from head to toe like if he'd never seen me before. "What's going on?"  i asked and his slight happy expression dismissed and a sad frown took it's place. looking at his eyes made me feel sad and confused, it made me feel like something bad happened. look at me i'm in the hospital of course something bad happened . There was a feeling of pity in those eyes and they were getting watery. I could tell he was determined to keep his mouth shut. "Shindong please." i beg, my hand reaching for his, as a tear rolled out of his eyes and disappeared under his chin. what is going on shindong? my dear friend for life. what happened that is so hard to speak to me? i wanted to somehow comfort him so that he wouldn't be sad but so far i come out blank. 

He takes a few breathers before he sits down on a chair next to my bed. "So how do you feel? want me to bring your bed up a little? you hungry? want some water? toilet maybe?" 

"Stop trying to change the topic. shindong please i need help, what happened? why am i here? where is heechul?"

as soon as Heechul's name was mentioned shindong broke into tears. "I Just can't!" He sobbed his voice getting louder. The sudden reaction he had made me feel the worse for heechul. What was going on to heechul? is he in danger? All these thoughts trailed off on my mind as my skin left it's color. 

"I c-cant!" He repeated again retreating from the room. 

"Shindong!" I called out to him my hand trying to catch him but he slid away and ran out the door, His sobbing being heard through the hallway. 

After frustratedly kicking the bed, and then receiving a large amount of pain, One of the members appeared with a blank expression. "Kyuhyun." I said glad to see him well. For some reason i felt like i haven't seen him for years even though i just saw him yesterday at my wedding. I remembered how shindong got crying for heechul and then i turned serious again. "Are you able to do what shindong failed to do? Will you tell me everything?"  I asked him and he nodded his head with a serious stare. Preparing myself for the worst i let Kyuhyun help me up to sit in bed . "thanks" I said. "So Kyu, please begin. i am so confused. What happened yesterday at my wedding? Where is heechul?" Kyuhyun let out a long sigh before saying anything else. 

"Leeteuk, It's nice to see you. awake. Right now you're in the hospital as you already know, because you have been shot at the day of your wedding. " 

When Kyuhyun said i got shot i looked at the white blanket on my lap, and there was this....unknown Woman in front of me. she had a mask on her face and she was aiming her gun at me. when i saw the bullet speed towards me in an unreal speed i shut my eyes closed and i shook my head. "are you okay?" i hear Kyuhyun's voice. "Yes." i respond. "please continue" 

"Anyway, your wedding wasn't yesterday it was a month ago and honestly speaking you should stop asking about Heechul because he's gone! and........will never return." As i stared at him Kyuhyun's face expression turned sad and scared. Suddenly i noticed that i was grasping Kyuhyun's collar really hard trying to endure the pain on my shoulder. My eyes felt like they were stung by a bee and my arm is trembling. A silent argument. With a shaky voice i said. "What the hell do you mean by gone?!!" Because i'm the leader i didn't want my voice to scream my pains.  Kyuhyun didn't answer and i finally gave out because of the pain on my shoulder. The room was quiet, me huffing and inhaling the cold empty air and kyuhyun coughing. "Face it leeteuk, You were in a coma for a month and heechul was kidnapped!."

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