~I Live For Death~

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Levi P.O.V

"So would you to care to explain, What Happened?" Hades said

"And why my son turned out to be gay" Persephone said (A/N: i have nothing against gay or bi people btw)

"Well i can only explain the first one" Andrea explained

"After we where knocked out, we woke up in a field dress like this" she said referring to there clothes
" and there were four people waiting there for us, they where the king and queens of the past and said that i won't be able to handle ruling the underworld and supernatural world so they gave one to Drake"

"And they answer to your second question is i didn't wanna tell you because i was scared you would treat me different" Drake said looking down at his lap, looking like he was about to cry

His parents got up and hugged both of their children

" Now why do we" Damon started

" Have crowns on our heads" I finished for him

We all heard Andrea and Drake sigh and give each other a look

"Look every royal needs someone to rule by there side, So you two have crowns on your heads because you guys are our mates" Drake said

We nodded in understanding

" But if yous weren't suitable for ruling than we would be match with someone else but we would still feel a connection with you but we would be banded from seeing you and it can still happen now so don't let the ruling get to your head" Andrea finished

***Andrea's P.O.V***

"Now so that's over i do believe we have a beheading to get over with" Eric said (Levi's beta)

"Let's go" I squealed pulling at Levi's arm

" Clam down little mate" he said

" But baby i wanna see that skank lose her head for touching mine" i said getting angry at the thought of her touching what's mine but pouting at him

Everyone from my old pack and Levi's pack looked at me in shock while my pack just smirked

When we walked back into the room where Ashley will die : J 

And there stood the slut shaking in her shoes, she took one look at us seeing our crowns and jumped into levi's arms again claiming that she's better that me, When will this bitch learn

I grabbed her by her fake ass hair and pushed her onto the floor while punching her face in, When someone tried to pull me off of her but i just turned around and growled at them and went back to punching the bitch

Then Honor took over. . .


" AND IF ANY OF YOU INTERFERE IN WHAT I'M ABOUT TO DO YOU WILL ALSO BE PUNISHED IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!!" I yelled at ever one else with my queen voice slipping through, They all bowed their heads

I turned back around to Ashley, pulling out a sliver tip knife and started craving it down the right side of her face, lifting up her top and craved my name across her stomach laughing at her cries of pain, i continued by pulling her nails out one by one and cutting all of her hair of not before giving her a black eye and multiple bruise all over her body

" Now no one would want an ugly bitch like you" i said laughing

" You bitch!!, what's wrong with you" she screamed

" Well i am the daughter of Hades so nothings wrong with me but there is something wrong with your face, Now any last words bitch!" she just spat in my face

Right before i plunged the knife into her heart, watching her eyes turn lifeless was the greats sight ever to see

What can i say I'm the princess of the underworld i live for death. . . . . .


YAY!!!!! Got my wifi back,
Sorry for taking ages guys, I will try an update before i go tomorrow but can't promises anything ;)



~ Sheri <3 ~

~Thanks for the support, Love ya guys~

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