Chapter 8: Let the holiday from hell commence!

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Chapter 8: Let the holiday from hell commence!

What's the first thing that comes to your head when you think of the word airport?

Well if you ask me, you might want to wash your ears out with holy water.


Who the fuck actually runs these places? Are they sick in the fucking head or something? They are like hell on earth. And who decided to schedule a flight AT FUCKING 7 IN THE MORNING? There are some things that I truly cherish in my life. These include –

- Family

- Friends

- Food

- Soccer

- Food

- Food

- Music

And last but certainly not least –

SLEEP! My family had to wake me at fucking 4 in the morning just so we could get ready and leave, since we live about 45 minutes away from Sydney airport. Plus, we had to drop Nappy off at the kennel. I was gonna miss the little mutt.

One thing you should know about me, is that you don't interrupt my pillow time. If you do, well, you might as well start digging your own grave.

So where am I at this moment in time? Well funny you should ask. After going through customs and check-in and all that other stupid shit, my family and Jess were now waiting for our flight to be called in the stupid waiting area or whatever you call it. I was currently huddled up in the foetal position TRYING to sleep, but as God planned, my annoying little shit brother couldn't stop poking me.

"Tomo, I swear to God, if you touch me one more time, I will pluck out your eyelashes one by one and hot glue them back to your face," I threaten, my voice low and eyes still closed.

He must have gotten the message because he didn't touch me after that. I was finally starting to doze off when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I was ready to lash out before my best friend's voice interrupted me.

"Before you go all ape-shit insomniac crazy cave-woman on me, I brought you Starbucks," Jess said calmly.

I peek up from my crouched position on the uncomfortable chair to see if she was kidding or not. When I saw her holding a chocolate frappe, I jumped up and snatched it off her, uttering a quick thanks before I started slurping it like there was no tomorrow. There aren't a lot of Starbuck's where I live, so getting a frappe from there was a cherished occasion.

While I sat there happily drinking my awesome frappe, it was the first chance I got to take a good look at my surroundings. I was a zombie when we had arrived before and gone through everything, so I didn't get to observe what was around me. For half past 6 in the morning on a Wednesday morning, it was pretty busy. There were a few old couples around and a few other young families around and also a few men and women that were obviously on business trips since they were dressed smartly. The airport itself was as boring as you could imagine. White walls, white ceilings, linoleum floors, and attendants that looked drunk, high and deprived from sleep.

15 long minutes later, our flight was called. While the rest of my family was pissing themselves with excitement, I was dreading this whole trip. Although, it probably will be nice relaxing in a whole 'nother country, with no sluts, fuckboys and teachers to annoy you.

I think it's time for Brooke Adams to do something she hasn't done in a while;



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