Chapter 7: Pre-holiday trauma.

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Chapter 7: Pre-holiday trauma.

You know when you get that feeling when you are dreading something, but you feel like something good is going to happen while this dreaded event is occurring? You know; that feeling? Well, that's what I was feeling right now as I was packing for this five week holiday.

Turns out, mum has an old best friend from like university or something that moved to America after she graduated. Now, her friend had decided to move back to Australia with her family and while her stuff is being moved into Australia, she decided she wanted to go on a holiday and invite our family along for the holiday. Oh, and did I mention it was a five week holiday. And did I also mention we were leaving in two days. No? I didn't mention that? Well, looks like we are going on a five week holiday in two days! Yay!

Please know how enthusiastic I feel about this.

And also please note my sarcasm.

At least it wasn't all that bad. Jess was coming along as well. Mum had already talked to her family about this, and they were cool with it. They rarely ever see Jess anyway. And also mum's friend had a kid our age as well. Apparently they were bringing along a friend as well. I just hope this holiday won't be a waste of time and I actually do get to relax and not have to worry about anything. The only thing that I'm really worried about is my sleeping arrangements. With these nightmares or whatever they are not going away anytime soon, I don't think they'll take a raincheck and leave my head for five weeks. So, it looks like I'll have to power through it. I'm sharing a room with Jess and Lilly anyway.

While I was already dreading this godforsaken holiday, Jess couldn't wait. As soon as mum said she was coming along, Jess immediately got up and shouted; "I'LL BE BACK IN AN HOUR OR TWO! I'M GOING TO BUY SOME MORE BIKINIS!"

Typical Jess. She's back now anyway, and right she's helping me pack for this fricking holiday. We keep having these petty little arguments about what I should take and what I shouldn't take. I throw in some sweatpants, Jess throws in a slutty skirt. I throw in a soccer jersey; Jess throws in a bloody tank top.

UGH! I didn't even know I had half of these things. She also bought me some new bikinis. I have to say, I have a pretty awesome body for a soccer player. And I also love wearing bikinis. Jeez, I sound like such a girl. I involuntary shiver. But it's true; I love to show off my body, and bikinis are the best thing for that.

Anyway, during this holiday, we were spending Christmas and New Year's in Fiji, and were due to get back to Australia just before school started back up. I'm not really sure how I feel about this whole trip. I mean, don't you think it's a bit suspicious that mum is so excited about us, especially me, coming along to this relaxing and revitalising trip of a lifetime. Her words, not mine. I'm a bit suspicious of this. God, so many suspicions...

I wonder what she's up to.

I'm happy for her though. She doesn't have many friends, and the ones she does have aren't very close to her. She deserves a nice friend that she can trust and vent out when something is bugging her. Normally, she comes to me for these things, but with my inexperience in the mother department, I can't offer much advice. She seems to be really looking forward to seeing her friend as well. I hope Jess and I don't get separated in the long run. Even though we are polar opposites, we would be lost without each other. We'd already made a promise when we were 12; we'd never leave each other, and we'd be the godmother to each other's first child, no matter what happens.

It was 6:00pm now. Mum said dinner would be ready by 6:30. Jess and I had finished packing both of our bags and were just hanging out. I felt motivated to do some exercise and keep my shape for this holiday. I got changed in some sweatpants and some random t shirt jersey. It was pretty hot out anyway, and I wasn't planning to run. I chucked on my trusty low top white converses and grabbed my skateboard and helmet. I skated my way to the local skate park. I'm not the best at skateboarding, but I can do a few basic tricks on the ramps. And if you're wondering about leaving Jess behind, don't worry. She practically lives with us and is pretty much a sibling in our family. And she's completely comfortable around my parents as well, so don't stress dudes.

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