Chapter 6: The date with the dick.

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Chapter 6: The date with the dick.

This is legit the worst date I've ever been on. Zack is an actual dick. Want to know where he took me for our date? The local pizza place. This place is notorious for druggos and alcoholics that just came from the pub around the corner. Oh, and did I mention that Zack is an actual dick? He has no table manners, all he talks about is his ex-girlfriends and he ate almost the whole pizza; I only got one piece before he had already scoffed down half the pizza. Normally, I have a HUGE appetite, but after watching him, I immediately lost it.

Dad and Jess better have saved me some frickin roast.

I'm not gonna lie, he was really sweet at first. He opened the car door and the pizza place door for me and complimented my outfit when we left, but things just went downhill as soon as we sat down at the pizza place. Now I just wanted to leg it out of here. I have to make up some believable excuse to get us to leave. I got it! I thought, I'll go for the classic 'I'm not feeling well' excuse. We had already finished the pizza, and Zack was now flirting with the bloody waitress.

"Hey Zack?"

No reply.


Still no reply. I lost it.

"ZACK!" I said angrily.

He finally turns his head to me with an annoyed look on his face.

"What?" he sighs, looking bored. I decide to ditch the excuse and just tell him that I want to leave.

"I want to leave," I say forcefully. His eyes suddenly light up with excitement and anticipation, like he was waiting to leave.

"Yeah, okay, sure," he gets up and grabs my hand, practically dragging me out of the pizza place.

We start walking down the street towards where Zack parked his car. Suddenly, I'm pulled into an alley, conveniently placed right in the middle of our pathway. I'm about to scream for Zack when I'm pushed up against a brick wall, but as I look up to identify my capturer, I only see Zack, and he is not looking friendly. He has a smug smirk on his face, looking like he is about to do something that I probably won't like.

"Zack, what are you doing," I say in a shakily voice. Not 'cause I'm nervous of our close proximity, but because I'm scared of what might happen next.

"Did you really think I actually liked you? I knew you were stupid, but I didn't realise you were that stupid. You should know by now that I don't date; I hook-up" he says smugly.

Before I could reply, he crashes his lips on mine, but I don't feel anything. It feels sloppy and disgusting, and before I know what's happening, he's sliding a hand up my shirt and starts cupping my boob. On reflex, I grab his arm that has slid up my shirt and twist it in an odd direction. I push him away from me and get one glimpse of his shocked eyes before I get a good punch on to the left side of his jaw. His guard is down now, so I take this chance to knee him in his crown jewels. He falls down holding his balls yelping in pain. I look down at him.

"YOU FUCKING SON OF A BITCH! I thought you would actually be a decent guy, unlike some of the dicks you hang out with! But no! You have to go ahead and be a fucking coward and try to take FUCKING ADVANTAGE OF ME! Don't ever come near me again, you fucking fuckboy! I hope you get a fucking STD, you fucking manwhore!" and with that, I give him a decent kick in the stomach. Those soccer skills aren't just for kicking a soccer ball.

I bolt out of that alley with tears in my eyes, knowing that I fell for the biggest trap I could have ever fallen in. That punch felt good. Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I can't throw a punch. Most of the guys on my soccer team are scared of me anyway. I get to the corner of the block and fish my phone out of my pocket. I call Jess as soon as I can.

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