Chapter 8

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"Excuse me?" Ashton no, don't try stand up to him, I silently pleaded.

"Um,sorry and you are?"

"what is it to you?" They just stood staring at each other, were they going to start shouting? Throwing punches? Of all the things going through my head the last thing I'd expect happened, Calum licked his lips, took one last glance at me, turned on his heel and went back inside the house.

"Why'd you do that? He didn't even saying anything?" I forced a small laugh out to try lighten the dampened mood.

"It may have just seemed jokey but I've seen that dick so many times tonight leading on random girls then just leaving them when something better comes along, I mean come on he acts like he runs the place" Ashton simply shrugged.

"Ye but.."

"Hey let's just let it go"

"But.." Ashton lifted his finger to my lips. Memories of Calum and me in the kitchen last night came rushing back and I immediately flinched away from his touch. Ashton opened his mouth to say something but just rubbed the back of his neck- I could tell this was a nervous habit of his. I felt like apologising but I didn't want create a bigger atmosphere than there already was.

"Hey about that ride home?" I changed the subject and a slow smile spread across his face, his dimples re surfacing. I resisted the urge to poke them. We walked around from the patio and headed for the front door.

I caught sight of Calum again as we walked through the main lounge. He caught my eye and dropped his arm from the waist of the girl i had seen
him with earlier. I hadn't realised I'd stopped walking till Ashton tugged gently at my arm. I let him lead the rest of the way to the car.

"Crap," I huffed


"Alli has the apartment key,"

"My roommate" I answered the confusion on Ashton's face.

"Well you could go back inside and go find her I will wait" I didn't feel like going back in there with all of them people. I wouldn't even find her.

"No it's fine, just drive me to a hotel,"

"I won't have you staying at a hotel,"

"It's fine," I assured

"My parents aren't home you can stay at mine," I flickered my eyes towards him.

"Not like that, I meant they're away so I could have their room and you could sleep in mine for the night?" I didn't know how I felt about sleeping in his bed, but it was probably the better and cheaper choice.

"Don't worry I will even change the sheets," I found myself giggling like a school girl for what seemed like the 100th time tonight. In the end I agreed.

" I will be just down the hall if you need me," he reminded me for about the millionth time. In the end I had been the one staying in his parents room,he thought it was better as it had an en suite attached to it.

"Ashton I'm fine" I laughed. He smiled back, then frowned.

"You can't wear that to bed," he gestured to my outfit.

"It's only shorts and a top?" But I doubt he even heard me as he was already halfway across the hall and in his room. I heard rummaging and within moments he was back in the room with a pile of clothes.

"They were only just washed today, so they don't smell too bad," he held out a big baggy football jersey and a sweatshirt. I raised my brows at the sweatshirt.

"If you get cold or something," he responded. He said one final goodnight before shutting the door behind him and padding barefoot back to his room.

I can't help but feel slightly disappointed when I put on the jersey and the only smell on it was detergent. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes.

I woke up with a start. The first thing I noticed was that it was still dark, still nighttime. I wondered what had woke me up so suddenly when I heard another crash of lightening, followed by the longest and loudest rumble of thunder I'd heard all my life. I hated thunder storms, especially when I was alone. Ashton was right down the hall, I was hoping he was awake too.

I timidly knocked on his door. No answer. Just as I was turning to go back to the room the door cracked open and a sleepy eyed Ashton's head appeared through it.

"You ok?" His voice was deep and raspy. I'd obviously just woken him up.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you, I just couldn't sleep," I looked at my feet, feeling embarrassed and suddenly self conscious of the fact the I was wearing his football jersey and nothing else.
He opened his door fully, revealing him stood there in a black vest top. And jogging bottoms which were hanging dangerously low on his hips. His hair was fluffy and sticking out at all angles. He looked perfect.

"Wanna come in?" I didn't respond.

"I won't try anything," and he looked like he meant it.

He let me climb into his single bed first. This was going to be cramped. He slipped in next to me,pulling the sheet over us both.

"It's right above us" he spoke up after another clash of lightening and further grumbles of thunder. I shivered and he must of noticed as he wrapped one arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest. I could feel his breath on my neck, making fluttering feelings in my stomach.
I closed my eyes and tried to get back to sleep, despite the hard object pushing against my leg...

Sorry if it's short, but I had so much work to do today and it's nearly midnight, anyway hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote and comment :) x

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