Castiel x Reader- Sweet Dreams

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A/N- I started this imagine at 2AM and  finished it at 4AM because once again I've lost the control over my life. Let me know what you think!



"Don't you dare to laugh at me Winchester!" you said to Dean when you saw that stupid smirk on his face again.

"Okay, but seriously. You two slept together?" Dean said and laughed.

"Can you just drop it? You know how he has been feeling himself after the angels fell. He needs to be taken care of!" You put the last dishes away and were ready to head back to your room. It was your turn to cook today and after Dean had found out that Cas had slept in your room the night before he had been following you around like a tail. He of course didn't know that he had slept on your couch.

"You feel sorry for him? So you tried to cheer him up with sex?" You were pretty sure that if he doesn't drop the topic, you'll soon throw something big and heavy at him.

"The world doesn't revolve around sex. Don't you see it? He wants to fit in, now that he's human and I'm just trying to keep him company and explain things that he doesn't understand yet."

"Oh cut the bullshit, don't act like he's like a brother to you," he made a pause, "we both know that you have the hots for him!"

"Dean will you just shut up already?" You felt your heart beating faster and faster. Dean probably noticed that your mood changed drastically.

"I'm just teasing you, you know that. What I'm trying to say is, that perhaps you should tell him. I'm pretty sure he feels the same way. You're like a sister to me and I hate to see you like that every single day. " He walked over to you and wrapped his hands around you, you buried your face into his shoulder.

"That's a shitty idea," you murmured.

" What can go wrong? You're close with him, he probably trusts you more than he trusts me or Sam. Just tell him." You shook your head.

"What if he only sees me as a friend? What if he doesn't like me? Dean, I'm just a random hunter and he's an angel. Imagine how weird it would get here in the bunker after I pour my heart out and he just doesn't feel the same." You felt your eyes getting more and more watery.

"Don't start crying, I never know what to do when women start crying," Dean said.

"What do you usually do?" you laughed, but felt a tear running down your cheek. He chuckled.

"I'm just answering to your question... makeup sex," he said. You laughed and pulled yourself away from his tight brotherly embrace.

"So that means that you're usually the reason why the woman is crying?" you joked.

"Ouch Y/N, that hurt almost physically!" he faked to be offended.

"No worries Winchester, this girl here won't shed a tear because of you," you winked and walked out of the kitchen.

When you entered the main hall you saw Cas and Sam sitting on other sides of the table, there were books all over the place.

"Research?" you asked.

"Sam found an easy case, it's only 50 or so miles away," he got carried away and looked at you with his blue concerned puppy eyes, "Your eyes are swollen. Have you been crying Y/N?" If there was a skill that you wanted to approve, it probably would have been your lying skill. You were an awful liar. Just when you were about to say something incredibly ridiculous, you were suddenly up side down. Dean had picked you up and thrown you over his shoulder.

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