Sam x Reader - Hear me out

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A/N- Finally a Sam imagine, it took me quite a lot of time because I basically hit the wall halfway through the story.


"It's 8AM where the hell have you been?" Dean asked when you and Sam entered the motel room. 

"Gym,"you replied and threw yourself onto the couch. 

"Gym? Seriously? You did notice that we ran about 3 miles yesterday?" 

"Yeah and exactly that made me go to the gym today."

"Yesterday didn't go that bad," Dean whined and opened a bottle of beer, Sam walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

"You almost got killed yesterday and so did I," you whispered and shot Dean a look.

"No, we didn't. We were doing fine!"

"Oh right, those 20 inches that separated us from getting eaten totally count as doing fine."

"Who's doing fine?" Sam asked and you froze for a second. 

"No one," you replied right when Dean said: " Y/N is doing fine." Sam obviously understood that the both of you were lying so he didn't drop the topic. 

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, I was just bragging about doing fine in the gym, after all, I haven't been in the gym for ages," you nervously laughed. 

"Yeah, I heard she killed it on the... ermmm... at the gym," Dean trailed off when you shot him a look.

"Sure?" Sam asked and looked you in the eye. 

"You were gone for 50 seconds, I didn't manage to tell much yet," you shifted your gaze from Sam to Dean, "you have got no idea what kind of a crazy girl we saw there. She was so muscular, you know like a bodybuilder or something like that. I think if Sam and that girl would have lined up she would have won on pull-ups, unbelievable..." you talked on for about 10 minutes and the awkward moment between the three of you had luckily already gone past in that time. 

Soon after that Sam found a case for the three of you, it was only about 30 miles away, you packed your bags and hit the road again. At first, the case seemed like nothing too big, only one utterly confused rugaru, who's craving for meat had just started to increase. Dean was driving (obviously), Sam was in the shotgun and you were in the back, everything was as usual.

 "The situation could have turned out much worse because the guy was a Geography teacher in the local Elementary school. Although he had understood that everything wasn't OK with him, he still went to work. The staff of the school reported the weird behaviour, but at first, the principal did nothing. Once the teacher totally lost it turning the lunch break, the police were called and from the local police department, he was transferred to a psychiatric ward of the local hospital. The newspaper also adds that he lost his wife not long ago and people think that exactly that is the reason for his mental breakdown, " Sam stopped and looked at you, " are you even listening?"

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" 

"You seem somehow away," Sam seemed worried.

"I was just thinking how awful this case is, he was probably a nice guy. I mean he was a teacher so he was probably a smart person, it must be so awful to not understand what's happening to you." 

"Probably is," Dean said.

"Are they fast?" you asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Slightly faster than humans, if he has already eaten something human of course. Why are you asking?" Sam said.

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