The Tri Wizard Tournament

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I'd like to dedicate this to @Accio_Butterbeer and @foreversmaug because they inspired me to write this story based on their own Cedric Diggory Fanfictions. Both stories made me very emotional, which I doubt mine will but I hope you enjoy it just the same.

"Interesting" Ollivander exclaimed as I handed him back yet another failure of a wand "Why don't you try this wand?" he handed me a new wand as Will laughs. I took the wand into my hands examining it carefully. " A 12 inch mahogany wand with a mermaid scale core. Let's how this one fairs" Taking in a deep breath I cast a silent spell that cleaned up the messes I had previously made.

"Oh finally" I sighed.

"Nice job. Would you like us to box this wand for you?"

"No I'll keep it with me" I respond placing the new wand in the side pouch mother had bought for it previously during the day.

"Will you two be going to Hogwarts this year?" Ollivander asked us as we paid for our new wands.

"That's right" We smiled in unison

I woke up from that distant memory. That had been 6 years ago when my twin brother and I were still living together.

"Good morning Alexandria" My roommate Fleur said happily as she brushed her beautiful silver blonde hair.

"Morning Fleur." I groan getting up to check the clock on my dresser. 6 am. "What time do we have class today?" getting out of bed to fully dress.

"Well Ma'dam Maxime said that she had an announcement to make today so we'd best get going soon we don't want to be late." She smiled

"Just because we're Papillonlisee doesn't mean that we have to be so early" I smiled charming my hair brush to brush my hair for me as I pulled my uniform out of my dresser softly feeling the purple silk. "I mean even some butterflies emerge from their cocoons late." I laughed pulling on my uniform over my night dress.

" I laughed pulling on my uniform over my night dress

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"I just hate being late. It's a terrible thing to be." She smiled preparing her bag for the day. Once arriving to the breakfast hall I noticed that Fleur was sitting next to her sister Gabrielle. I quickly joined them not to long before Ma'dam Maxime enter, quickly standing back up to greet her.

"You're a bit later than usual" Marissa giggled her pigtails jumping with her laugh.

"I'm here before Ma'dam today so that's all that matters" I smile as we all sat back down.

"My beautiful students. Today I have wonderful news" Ma'dam smiled "The top 36 students on the next exam who are of age will be allowed to participate in the Tri Wizard tournament with our friends from Hogwarts and Durmstrang hosted by hogwarts. During our stay at hogwarts the 36 of you will be split into each other 4 houses 9 of you per house so study hard and try to succeed and try to stick with your friends." She smiled as Fleur and I exchanged looks with each other.

"We all know that you two are going to be accepted" Marissa exclaimed looking at us.

"Well I'll only go if Gabrielle can go." Fleur smiled hugging her sister.

"Bon appetit." Ma'dam smiled at us as our food appeared. I quickly grabbed crepe sheet and some strawberries and thought about my life back Hogwarts. It was an interesting time, but I was constantly using a glamour charm to hide my real looks, being a Veela might be nice when you like the attention and were mature enough but I was was always the type to be very awkward around others especially at the age of 11 when I attended Hogwarts with my brother. The only time I liked the attention was on the quidditch field where I shone as a seeker. After my parents had their divorce and we moved to France my mother had me stop using the glamour charm since most of the female students at Beauxbatons were part veela or something else anyways.

"It'll be nice to see my brother again." I smile.

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