Ch 1: Into Motion

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"We are all here to discuss the plans that will be set into motion in just a few short weeks," Pein stated, his voice carrying out loudly through the quiet room.

Konan looked at the men as they stood in the line before Pein and herself. Hidan was glaring at Kakuzu for something as usual, Zetsu was sticking out halfway from the floor, and Itachi and Kisame were watching Tobi as he circled around Deidara. Konan let out a sigh seeing Deidara start to make a clay figure when the base started to shake all of a sudden.

Pein nodded to Konan and everyone scattered out of the makeshift hideout outside to find an unknown figure standing in a tree with a blue mask over his face and his long black hair in a high ponytail.

"That didn't take long," the figure stated, obviously smirking under his mask.

The Akatsuki got into fighting positions when the ground below them started to shake as the base had, but this was more powerful and knocked them all to the ground. Tobi was the first one to gather his bearings and he looked up at the man then at the other three people that suddenly appeared and surrounded the group.

"Tobi is scared! What are the people doing?!" He exclaimed, successfully getting Pein's attention.

He looked at the ground, seeing a strange symbol under all the members. Each symbol, exactly the same.

"Everyone mov-" but he was cut off as a bright light shone blinding him, stopping him in the middle of his sentence.

"Success," came a voice over the mystery figure's radio headset. He smirked seeing all the members gone except for the orange haired Path of Pein, his eyes closed and limbs not moving. "Nagato has been successfully transported sir."

"Good. Maybe they can get them back somehow now..." He took the body of Yahiko, the Path of Pein, and placed him in a safe place in the base. He closed the area off and they all disappeared into the night. No one would ever notice a thing.



A teenage girl with black hair and onyx eyes looked around for the voice, her black kimono dragging on the ground.

"My name is Nekosaki, Shikai!" She stated with a frown.

A giggle was heard and Nekosaki frowned as she walked behind the tree. She pulled a kunai knife from the strap around her waist and forced it into the wood above the hiding teenage girl's head. The girl squealed and jumped up glaring at Nekosaki. They looked exactly alike other than the five minute younger girl's kimono was red.

"I'm done playing games Shikai."

She pouted but still ended up following as they walked down the path to the village. The two fifteen year olds knew they had been gone for too long. Everyone would be asleep.

The dream started to turn fuzzy as a voice surrounded me, confusing me.

"Yo Nekosaki! Get up!"

I rolled off the bed when the person finally decided to push me.

"What the hell Kura?" I asked as I rubbed my aching arse.

The black haired girl's light green eyes twinkled with mischief as she left. I looked over to see Cheshire brushing her waist length red hair with her seafoam blue eyes looking at me through the mirror. She stopped brushing her hair and pointed to the clock on the bedside table. I panicked seeing I had only a few minutes until I was late for work.

"I tried to get you up," I heard Cheshire say in a bored tone of voice. "Insomnia again?"

I nodded as I shoved a roll from dinner the night before into my mouth so I could wiggle into my skinny jeans. I finally buttoned my jeans and put on my SAO (Sword Art Online) seat buckle belt. I put in my hazel green-brown contacts to hide my dark onyx colored eyes and looked over the faded brown dye in my black hair, then I ran down the hall abruptly stopping when I almost ran into my red furred cat. His bored brown eyes looked at me as if he knew what happened.

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