Ch13. New guy is a jerk and I'm his buddy

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Number 31 on What's hot!! I counted!!

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I held my head high as I walked down the corridor, just in case some crazy populars came out to tackle me or whatever. No one did. Only when I locked myself in a stall in the bathroom did I truly understand what I just did. I just slammed Nicole with a plate of pasta, in front of the entire school, and walked away unscathed. For now.

I had the lid down and had my feet propped up against the door. I had locked the door, but when was the last time a shoddy bathroom lock actually held up? Nobody was in the bathroom, yet. I kept an ear out but let's just say, being on the lookout gets boring, really quickly. I drummed my fingers on the wall and read all the graffiti on the bathroom walls. Girl's minds can be really dirty at times.

Finally, the bell rang. I counted to ten before I cautiously poked my head out. The halls were thinning out so I carefully tip-toed out of the bathroom. I had almost made it to my locker before a hand clamped down on my shoulder.

'AHHH!!' I screamed, practically jumping out of my skin.

'Jeez Jack, you'd think you were strung on caffeine,' said Max after I turned around. 'But I know you don't drink coffee.'

'I practically had a heart attack.' I put my hand on my heart to accentuate my point. 'I thought you were Nicole after my blood.'

'Yeah. She's practically has a Wanted Poster with your face on it.'


'She would have tracked you down herself but she had to change her clothes.'

A nervous giggle escaped my lips.

'I can't believe I actually did that.'

'Yeah, she can't believe it either.'

We just smiled at each other for a moment.

'I'm gonna go hide now, so, if I don't appear for three days, please tell my family that I love them.'

Max ruffled my hair with a smile and walked off. I quickly grabbed my books and slammed my locker door to find Sam leaning against the lockers.

'Hello handsome,' I grinned and stood on my tippy-toes to give him a kiss. Only when I realized that he wasn't kissing me back and had stepped back had I realized that was angry. Actually, that was an understatement. He was furious.

His face was red, almost crossing over into the purple. A vein was pulsing in his forehead, rendering quite unattractive.

'What the HELL was that?'

I stared at him confused.

'Max and I were just talking.'

'I wasn't talking about you and Max! That scene earlier!!'

'Huh?' I scrunched my forehead. 'You mean what happened at lunch?!'

'What do you think?!?'

'I don't get what's the big deal Sam.'

'You don't get what's the big deal? Are you seriously that clueless?'

Why was he being such a jerk?

'I'm not understanding your point. I was defending myself, okay?'

'But you didn't have to throw that plate of spaghetti at her. That wasn't necessary!'

'First, what do you mean it wasn't necessary? She was being such a bitch!'

'So mayb-'

'Wait! Second, I didn't THROW it at her. She lunged for me so I just turned my tray as a shield against her.'

'She didn't jump for yo-'

'Excuse ME? Are you serious? Where you in my position? Um, no. And thirdly, it was pasta, not spaghetti.'

'Spaghetti or pasta, does it really make a difference?!?'

I was just clarifying something!!

'Did you come to my defense? NO!'

'I didn't have the time!'

'Why are you defending her? She's such a...' I fumbled for synonyms for bitch. 'Harpy!'

'Jack, she may be a tad over-reactional but you shouldn't judge her so quickly.'

'Shouldn't judge her so quickly? Are you serious?! I've been here a lot longer than you have so you can't be telling me to judge people.'

I can't believe him!!

'Why the hell are you like this?!?'

Oh no he didn't.

'Why am I like this?!? Have you been listening to yourself for the last five minutes?!'

'Jack, I'll talk you to when you're calm and collected.'

He turned away as if he was going to leave me there.

'Sam, you are UNBELIEVEABLE!! You call ME when YOU'VE got some sense in YOUR HEAD!' I yelled.

Thank god no one was in the halls at the moment because it was such an ugly scene. He didn't even look at me as he stalked off. I slammed my fist into my locker, not really caring if I hurt myself.



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New guy is a jerk and I'm his buddy [1&2]Where stories live. Discover now