Message From The Author aka. Me

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Nowadays there are many videos I don't watch them,(Astagfirullah) but the headlines they show are that the women are wearing such clothes that are considered to be too tight,showing their body parts.

Oh ukhtis!

I don't know which country but I have myself seen many young girls and teenagers wear clothes like that.And some of them wear such clothes that show most of their body,and that is one of the signs of the Day Of Resurrection.

Just use your mind and tell me,DOES THAT MAKE YOU BEAUTIFUL?


Such things are simply not going to make you a fashionista.
Women are ordered by Allah to cover themselves and not to show their adornment to non-mahrams.

And for those ukhtis that just say that it is first asked for the men to lower their graze.Okay I accept that it is ordered but oh ukhtis it is also ordered you to cover yourselves up.DONT BE A TRIAL FOR THEM!

The verse thirty-one of Surah An-Nur says,

"And tell the believing women to lower their graze and be modest,and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent and to draw their veils over their bosoms and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands,or fathers or husband's fathers,or their sons or their husband's sons or their brothers or their brother's sons or sister's sons,or their women,or their slaves or male attendants who lack vigour or children who know naught of womens nakedness.And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide or their adornment.And turn to Allah together Oh believers in order that ye may succeed."

And Allah has also ordered the men,to lower their graze,the verse thirty of Surah Nur says,

"Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and be modest.That is purer for them.Lo!Allah is aware of what they do."

So ukhtis we should obey Allah,and it is our responsibility to do so,as Allah can never think bad for his servants.

But if someone disobeys their are severe punishments for them by Allah.

The verse twenty-one of Surah Nur says,

"O who you have believed,do not follow the footsteps of Satan.And whoever follows the footsteps of Satan - indeed,he enjoins immorality and wrongdoing.And if not for the favour of Allah upon you and His Mercy,not one of you have been pure,ever,but Allah purifies whom He wills,And Allah is Hearing and Knowing."

And my message to you ukhtis is simply that to cover and wrap yourselves up.It is not just covering your head and neck,but also your back and chest and other parts of your body,and it is not just covering but you should also try to be modest and sincere to Allah.

And it is also for your own benefit.And just think it is decided by Allah,and His judgements are the best of Judgements.

And just think by yourself for those women who cover themselves fully are never in the gaze of men and are never harassed while the others who are not covered are harassed and they just curse them,although it is their own fault.

And I just want everyone to ace Jannah,and if we just perform the simple obligatory duties than we can simply ace Jannah.

I'm sorry for just being rude or mean.And remind the believers as it benefits them and it is the duty of every muslim to remind each other.


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