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So its going to be a story here about Salah.

After knowing that neglecting Salah is a serious matter,he started thinking.

"How can I be called muslim while I don't perform salah? I should repent to Allah.I will start praying next week in sha Allah.

A week later.

"I'm still young,I still have many years ahead of me so I will start performing Salah when I grow older.I will repent one day because Allah is the Most Merciful"

Few days Later.

He died without performing Salah! He delayed repentance because he thought he still get time but death came suddenly without warning.

So you should observe your five Salah regularly,and ask Allah to keep us on the right path.

The Quran says,"And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow,and no soul perceives in what land it will die",(31:34)

"Don't miss Salah for the sake of people.You are born and will die alone,you'll go to the grave alone and be questioned alone on the day of judgement day"

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