A moral story.

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This story isn't about me or my personal experience neither it is based on my friends story but it really is a moral based story that teaches you a lesson,according to the daily life.

She was pretty.She spent half of her life plucking,waxing,moisturizing,
applying makeup,tucking this,hiding that,buying this,buying that.Wore clothes that hung gracefully to her shape,accessories to add taste,fake eyelashes here,fake extensions there,piercing this tattooing that."It is my body" she argued to those who criticised her.

Then the day came and she died.She was locked in a box and the key was thrown away.Her coffin left to lay in the dirt,where her body will slowly disintegrate to nothing as the maggots feast on the skin she used to care so much of.

"It's my body" she argued.

It was never hers it was given by Allah.

"Indeed we belong to Allah,and Indeed to him we will return"
(Surah Baqarah:156)

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