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(Okay I would first like to start this chapter out with OH MY GOODNESS YALLS COMMENTS ARE AMAZING!!! NO JOKE!! 👍🏻👍🏻😊😊😍😍😂😂 srsy keep it up!!)

After saying up till 7:30am reading that book Henry let me burrow I was tired. I needed like a 500 proof shot of expresso...

Finely lunch time...I feel asleep over the roses twice and the lilacs four times... I left the shop and headed to the dinner. As I opened the door the smell of hamburgers swallowed me in. I walked up to the counter.

"Hello! How ar-yesh you don't look so good...are you okay?" I smiled at ruby.

"Yes fine. Just tired...coffee 4 shots expresso."

"Jeez Y/n that's a lot..." I shook my head.

"I know but I neeeeeeeeed it..." I sat at the bar and put my head in my arms and slowly dozed off.

"Hey Y/n." I felt a poke in my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Henry. 

"Why hello there Henry." I smiled at him with my eyes closed.

"Are you okay? You seem tired." I lifted my head.

"Yeah Henry...I am tired. I staid up all night reading that book..." I rubbed my eyes. "Wait shouldn't you be at school?" He was quick to answer.

"Nope long weekend." I raised my brow.

"It's not Monday. It's Thursday." I laughed. "Work on your excuses k?"

"Got it..." ruby handed me my coffee and I paid her still sitting at the bar.

"Afternoon Y/n" Dr. Hopper sat next to Henry. "Afternoon Henry, you were never showed up for your session and your not even in school."

"How are you doing Dr. Hopper?" I smiled at him across Henry.

"I'm doing fine and you?" Ruby walked over to take his order and I took a long sip of my coffee. After he ordered I answered.

"Eh I've been better." He gave a worried look.

"Has something got you down?"

"No no no." I laughed. "Just tired, you see I was up ALLLLLLL night reading I didn't sleep at all." I laughed.

"It's unhealthy to not sleep."


"How are you doing Ms. L/n?" I heard a thick Scottish accent. I turned around she see Mr. Gold taking a seat next to me. Henry started to whisper in my ear.

"That's Rumplestiltskin! He's evil! Don't go near him!" I looked at him then back at the man sitting next to me.

"Active imagination." He said softly looking at me. I took another sip of my coffee. "Coffee this late in the day?"

"I'll have you know Mr. Gold I was up ALL night reading a realistic story." He raised a brow.

"No really? And what was that story about?" I held onto my coffee tighter.

"About dreams." He gave a confused look. Dr. Hopper spoke up.

"What was the name of this book? That's a very odd subject for a woman your age to be reading about." I turned to him getting a confused look from Henry as well.

"It was Henry's book." Dr. Hoppers eyes opened wide. He looked from me to Henry back to me.

"Mrs. F/n...are you sure your imagination isn't running wild? You are an adult. You shouldn't be reading such foolish fairy tales....and calling them realistic..." Dr. Hopper gave me a concerned look.

"Foolish? I wouldn't say they are foolish at al-"

"But I also wouldn't say they are about dreams..." Dr. Hopper cut me off.

"Well why not?" I said in an irritated tone.

"Well because dreams are things...visions...that happen...well you see while you sleep." Hopper said innocently.

"No. That's where your wrong. Dreams are personal goals you set for yourself. Dreams are things that you want to happen. You WANT to make your dreams come true! Every child should have their own dreams...why sit here and crush them? Why crush the dreams of the boy...the boy who may just determine your future?" I placed my hands on Henry's shoulders.

"Henry is one thing. You, Mrs..."


"Mrs. L/n don't you think your a little old to have dreams and believe that we...every person in this town is all a fairy tale character?" He said with deep worry.

"No. Honestly I don't. Wanna know why?" He gave me a look to go on. "Because I believe that there is something better then these people here or anywhere telling you that you can't your whole life. Sitting there telling you you'll get no where. Crushing your dreams. Making you not believe in happiness. And if happiness is being a princess getting away from all the troubles in the world and in your life to go away and be happy...then so fucking be it. Let a child...let ANYONE believe that they are a prince...or princess...king or queen. Let them be what they want to be and believe what they want to believe." I turned back at my coffee and at the corner of my eye I saw Mr. Gold smirk.

"F/n...did you have a rough childhood?" I squeezed my coffee until it exploded in the cardboard cup. Coffee splattered all over the counter. I got up knocking over the stool and throwing the cup on the tiled floor and threw down a 10 dollar bill.

"Keep the change ruby..." I growled through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry that I offended you F/n...I was just asking. Most adults don't believe in that stuff anymore at your age." He got up.

"First off who just randomly asks if you had a rough childhood?!" God I'm tired and cranky already and these people aren't helping.

"I'm sorry. I'm a therapist I was looking out for your well being." I gave him annoyed look.

"Your a professional at feelings? Wanna know what I'm a professional at?" He looked a little hesitant. "Professional asshole and frankly my dear I don't give a damn if you were a therapist or not you don't just fucking ask someone that question!" I turned around and swung the door open to leave when I heard a deep quite voice.

"I wouldn't make people hate you dearie, I would try to get friends...not loose them." Then Mr. Gold walked past me outside limping to his shop. I stood there for a few seconds and took a deep breath.

"Your right it was wrong of me to bluntly ask you that. We can talk privetly if you would like." He handed me a card. I took it then walked out of the diner back the the stupid flower shop.

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