Metting again

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Your POV
When I woke up the next morning my body was sore. My hands and knees still stung. Today (like most days) I don't want to be productive and get things done. But this day I have a real reason.
The man that I met yesterday...he was different. Unlike any other man I have met. Sure he's older...but something about him catches my attention...and makes my mind stop working right thinking about how mysterious this man is.
Now I don't mean "makes my mind stop working" in a love way. Sure he has mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes that at first were stern but now show a hint of care in them. And shoulder length grey streaked brownish hair that perfectly hugs his strong jaw line. But that most definitely does not mean anything!

"Time to get up..." I speak like I woke up at like 7am but it's really....
I look at the clock at my side.
"11:38" I groan to myself.
I get off of my soft warm bed and as soon as my feet touch the ground my eyes shoot open as I remember what I forgot.
Did I have work today?!?!?!?
Then just as my panic started it stopped when I remember that my boss gave us a day off also today.
I head to the show and take off my sleeping cloths and take off the bandages and slip into the shower. I turn on the hot water and stand in the steaming hot water till my skin turns red. Then I apply soap to my body and hair.
After my shower I felt more awake. I grab my great grandmothers necklace and head out the door (after putting on shoes of corse!😉 because for some reason we need shoes...pft...just kidding...we need them.)
Once I exit my apartment building I begin to put on the necklace when the chain breaks and the charm falls onto the hard cement.
I bent over and pick it up and some of the gems fall out into my palm.
A wave of sadness crashes onto my heart like a 100 foot wave onto a beach. I frown. I then place the chain, charm and lose gems into my pocket and head to the diner.

I open the door and take a seat in a booth and sit cris cross. The waitress comes over with a bright white sparkling smile.
"What can I get you?"
"Pancakes...please...and some orange juice..."
"Coming right up!" She had a pep in her step as she ran into the kitchen.

After a little bit of waiting with my phone in my hands a plate was placed down in front of me, then a cup. Then the waitress sat across from me.
"Your from outside the town correct?"

"Yeah...(state you live in...or country...where ever you live ok! Don't judge me...nah your fine judge me all you want.)"

"I have always wanted to visit there...anywhere outside this town to be honest...." She spoke with sadness in her voice.

"Why haven't you?"

"I can't..."

I looked down at my plate briefly then back up at her. "It's a beautiful place..."

"Oh! Do you have pictures?!"

"Uh...yeah here." I pulled out my phone and went to my photos of home and handed my phone to her.

Then the small bell above the door that rings when the door opens rang. But it seemed as if Ruby didn't even notice. Her attention was completely on my phone.

Heavy foot steps lead over to my side.
"It seems that the waitress is not doing her job and is on a break." A thick accent spoke deeply.

I looked up to see Mr.Gold standing next to me staring down at Ruby. Ruby looked up at him and she slowly handed me back my phone.
"I'm sorry Mr.Gold that was my fault I should not of been showing her things while she was still working."

"Well Miss Y/L/N, Miss Lucas  has a tendency of slacking in her work." He starred at her as she got out of the booth

"She's not slacking in her work we were just having a conversation." I looked back up at him.

"In other words slacking."

"No, she was just being friendly."

"There's a difference in being friendly and not doing your job, dearie." The way he said send shocks over something into me.

"Well there's also a difference in being a smart ass and a straight up asshole." The room went quite and everyone turned to us. His eyes shut a little age clenched his teeth.

"So your calling me a asshole because I'm saying that she's not doing her job?" He spoke with a husky voice.

"No I'm calling you a asshole because you called her out when we were having a conversation and are blaming her for something that is my fault." A smirk appeared on his lips.

"Why are you smiling?" I looked up at him.

He leaned down and whispered into my ear.
"Because your not afraid of me, and you stood up to me for someone els to blame yourself. I like you Y/N." He pulled away from my ear and stood up straight and turned around and walked out of the diner.

What did me mean by he "liked" me?

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