Chapter 4 Good morning to you

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Your POV

I groggily wake up to the alarm on my phone. Throwing the covers back I walk to the shower. Stripping myself down and going into the shower and washing my body and hair. After finishing I grab my towel and wrap it around myself.

*knock knock* I look at myself then my cloths and run to the door with only a towel on. Now who in the hell is at my door at...i looked around my apartment real quick to find a clock. At 8:55...

I open the door with a smile on my face. A man with curly red hair glasses and a sweater vest and an umbrella and a basket in one hand and a smile on his face.

"H-hello...your my new...neighbor..." the man looked me up and down.

"Hey...actually we've been neighbors for a month now..."

"Ohh...yeah I've been busy and ya know work always gets in the way..." he nervously laughed.

"Yeah..." he handed me a basket.

"Warm welcoming from Storybrooke." He gave a big smile and I took the basket.

"Why thank you..." I searched for a name.

"Dr. Hopper." He smiled

"Dr. Hopper well thank you I'm Y/n and I can tell your already an amazing person."I gave him a smile then turned around and put the basket on the counter when I pen fell. I bent down and picked it up. When I came back Dr. Hoppers cheeks were red. "Well thank you so much Dr. Hopper but I'm already late for work as it is..."

"I understand good day Y/n." He turned around and walked away.

I went to my bedroom and picked out cloths and put them on and dried my hair. I ran to grab heels and ran out the door with my phone and wallet and headed to work.

As I walked down the side walk I saw Regina or mayor and remembered what Mr. Gold said.

"Why good morning mayor, how are you doing this fine day?" She gave me an annoyed look.

"Do I know you?" She said harshly.

"No...not really...I'm new to this town and I heard you were mayor. You seem like a fun person so I thought I might try t-"

"Try to get on my good side?" She raised a brow.

"Well yes." I smiled brightly.

"It's gonna take more then a few nice comments and small talk to get on my good side." She started to walk past me then she stopped "wait your from out of town?"  She had a look of shock o her face.


"Well I hope you have a lovely time in our small little town." Her fave went back to normal.

"Thank you...have a good day." And we both parted ways.

*time skip to lunch time*

I headed to the dinner for lunch. I opened the door and say in a booth. I saw ruby jump and run over to me. "HI!" She had the biggest brightest smile I've ever seen.

"Hello ruby." She sat down.

"So first off what would you like to eat?"

"Just a hamburger will be fine thank you."

"Second thing you left so quick we didn't get to talk much." She put her hand under her chin.

"Well what do you want to talk about?"

"Where have you been?" I giggled a little.

"Well I've been to a few places like New York-"

"Is it as amazing as people say it is?!"

"'s crowded the apartments are expensive  and there is always a traffic jam the air doesn't smell too well...but the country part of New York is pretty nice. There are stories about some of the places being haunted. Well let's of places in big cities are said to be haunted. Like New York...LA...holly wood but they could just be tales."

"I'll be back with your burger."

"You know dearie you shouldn't sidetrack Ms. Lucas from her  job." The familiar this accented voice rang in my ears.

"Well Mr. Gold I guess you don't have much friends cause you don't know what being friendly." He walked up to my booth.

"It's not called being friendly if your only doing it for tips."

"Pardon me! I'm not doing it for tips!" He scoffed.

"If you were a guy she'd be all over you sense your from out of town." Rubys jaw dropped.

"THAT IS NOT TRUE!!!" He just laughed and walked away. "That not a man...he's a monster..." I got up.

"Excuse me for a moment." I walked over to his table. "Your a interesting man Mr. Gold."

"I that so?" He looked up at me. "That was never said to me before." He said scacasticaly.

I muttered something under my breath.

"What was that dearie?" He smirked.

"Nothing..." I turned around.

"Do you remember what I told you?" I turned toward him as he looked forward.

"Yeah...don't let my curiosity get the best of me." I took a step toward him.

"Curiosity killed the cat." He smirked.

"But satisfaction brought him back." His smirk dropped.

"What?" He turned towards me.

"You never heard of that?" He looked down.

"No...I haven't." He stood up and got close to me. "I don't think you understand what I'm telling you." He looked from my left eye to my right then back to my left. "You seem like s nice young lady. This town, these people don't like outsiders. They don't trust them. Madam mayor will have your head the second you get in trouble."

"What are you saying?" My brow furrowed.

"You should always watch your back here. And never NEVER try to figure anyone out. Especially Regina." He walked past me.

"Why?" I turned around.

"What?" He stopped.

"Why shouldn't I?" I took a step towards him.

"Because I said so. Like I told you don't let your curiosity get the best of you." Then he left the dinner.

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