Meeting henry

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I left the flower shop to go home when I saw s boy alone. I didn't pay much attain and began to walk. He started to run after me.

"Hey lady!" I turned around.

"Hi...kid?" He ran up to me.

"I've never seen you before. Are you new here?" 

"Yeah...kinda." He scrunched up his nose. "What?"

"What do you mean kinda?"

"Well I've been here for a month now...I've never seen you either."

"I'm the mayors kid."

"Ooohhhh you must get away with a lot huh?" He shook his head.

"More like the opposite...she's really mean."

"Well I'm sorry..." he looked sad for a few seconds then got really happy and took my hand and started pulling me somewhere.

"Do you believe in fairy tales?" He looked back at me while still pulling me.

"I mean yeah, they had to come from somewhere right?" He nodded his head. "I mean I don't think people just pulled them out of their a-uh butts..."

"But do you REALLY believe in them." 

"What do you mean?"

"Like people here are people in the books."

"Well I mean I have only met a few people but it could be possible I guess..." this kid has a wild imagination... We arrived at a park or fort. It looked like it would fall over any minute.

"I have a book." He dragged me to the fort made of wood. "Wanna see it?" He gave a hopeful look.

"Well I don't see why not." He pulled out a book with a brown leather cover with gold letters Once Upon A Time was the title. Though I didn't see an author. He opened it to a random page.

"This is the evil queen she Regina the mayor." I looked at the picture and it kinda looked like her. The face at least. "This is Snow White she's Mary Margaret." I never met Mary Margret yet. "This is Rumplestiltskin he's Mr. Gold."

"How do you know who they are?" I took the book in my own hands scanning through the pictures and words. I've never heard this story before.

"I just matched their personalities. It wasn't that hard. Although I still don't know who some people are yet..."

"How did you match their personalities?"

"The evil queen is mean and takes things away from people scares them hurts them kills them and rules them, my mom is the mayor  she's mean to everyone and she is in charge and scares people."

"That makes sense." I looked at the book a little longer. "Would you mind if I burrowed this book for a little while? I could help you out?" His eyes shot open.

"REALLY?!" He jumped down and threw his arms in the air. "YOU WOULD REALLY DO THAT?! You believe me?!" I laughed and jumped down.

"Well yeah. You have perfect logic around everything. It only makes sense. I will meet more people and try to help you out. How does that sound?" He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"That would be amazing!" He handed me the book. "Take care of it. Don't let my mom fine it okay?"

"Why?" I furrowed my brow.

"She doesn't like the whole idea...she put me in therapy for it..."

"Why? It's great that you think this. It very well could be true. You would make an amazing author one day." I smiled and he smiled back.

"Henry?!" Regina called out. When she spotted us she walked quickly over. "Henry I was so worried!" She bent down taking her sons face in her hands. "I asked everyone where you were! Dr. Hopper said you didn't show up! Are you hurt!?" She had complete worry on her face and in her voice. I hugged the book close trying to hide it.

"Why were you with my son." She pulled him into her side.

"Oh-uh...well...I just saw that he was alone and stayed with him I thought he lost his parents. I didn't want him wandering around alone. Couldn't let him get hurt."

"Henry is this true?" He looked up and nodded his head. "Well then thank you. I don't know what I would do if he was hurt. Henry go to the car." His head hung low as he walked to the car. "Thank you. I don't know what's gotten into him lately...he thinks everyone in this town is from a fairy tale book." She let out a breathy laugh.

"He has a wild imagination. It's good for a kid. He would make a great wrighter some day." I smiled.

"He told you?" She looked confused.

"Yes, he did tell me. I think it's very interesting and could in some way be true." A look of anger was plastered onto her face.

"Did he tell you who people were?" Now I understand why she's upset.

"Yes, he told me who he thought you were. I don't think your the evil queen Regina. Maybe he thinks that way cause your trying to change him."

"What do you mean?"

"Therapy...? He's just a child with a wild imagination. It's good to have dreams. It's good to think things that very well could be impossible are possible and happening. It doesn't make him insane or different it means he has a great personality. I rather have a child with a wild imagination then a child with a dry personality."

"He's obsessed...that's all he talks and thinks about." She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed.

"At least he's being social. Most kids sit in their room all day playing video games or watching tv. What's wrong with letting him think that way? Maybe we all are fairy tale characters...we all have dreams...we all have our own struggles...we all have our own villain...we all have our own hero, our knight in shining armor. We all have our own story. Maybe he is onto something. It may not be fully logical but it means your child has hope. Regina just be happy he's not a depressed chile that cuts himself or is suicidal." She looked up with worry in her eyes.

"Maybe your kinda right..." she turned around. "Good day."

"As to you mayor." I started to walk back home when I heard a familiar voice.

"Quite the imagination huh?" I turned around to see Mr. Gold.

"You know I have the feeling your following me..." he scoffed.

"Nah. Your just always where I want to go." He smirked. "Quite the kid huh?" He gave me a knowing look as I walked towards him.

"Yeah, quite the imagination." I laughed.

"Is that the book?" He pointed to the big leather book I was hugging.

"Oh uh yeah I asked him if I could read it maybe help him." He nodded.

"I saw you talking to madam mayor..." he stared hard. "I'd be careful around her. Especially her son. She's very protective."

"Aren't most mothers?" I questioned.

"Not like her. She knows one day she'll loose him." What did he mean by that?


"Henry was adopted." Oh...

"Oh...that makes more sense..."

"Well it's getting late." I looked up at the pink/peach slowly drowning the baby blue sky. "I'll let you be on your way dearie."

"Good night Mr. Gold." I headed home with the book in my arms close to my body. I know what I'm gonna be doing for a while...

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