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"I was wondering..." I played with my pillow nervous.

"Wondering what?.."she asked. " I don't really like you staying with him,how bout you come live with me,until we find you a house,my wife is gone." I smiled.

"No." she rejected,

"What?.." I sighed,my smile faded,

"I'm sorry...but if your wife or Nathan found out...we'd both be in deep shit." Demi said,I sighed,"Oh,I understand...I'll see you later." I hung up.

I sighed.

"Where r u? Interview,remember?" Nick texted me. 

I then remembered.

"Shit." I cursed and hopped out of my seat and rushed to my car to the photoshoot destination. 


"Why so late,brother?" Nick laughed,"Ugh,had to say by to Ashley.." I smiled a little. "Oh okay,got change." Kevin bossed me,"Calm your pants." I glared and headed to my dressing room.

I walkedout in jeans and a gray shirt and some black van shoes. "You ready bro?" Nick looked at me,"Yeah." I sighed.

We got on the spot and we did alot of sexy pose,but my mind was on Demi. "Good job,boys. Now interviewing time." the guy said and we walked over and sat down.

"What about the release of “First Time,” the band’s first single and video since 2009?" the guy looked at us,Kevin and Nick looked at me.

"We had planned a big, elaborate video, but the song leaked, so we had to think of a way to make a video in a short span of time. Nick was on his way to host the Miss USA pageant in Vegas, so we figured, let’s shoot a video in Vegas and fly in all of our friends. We spent the money we had for the video to throw a party and film it. People assume that we’re still these young kids. It shows us all as adults having a good time and enjoying ourselves." I nodded.

"What about taking time off to focus on solo projects?"

"For seven years, it was nonstop. We had moments where we got frustrated with one another and we really just needed time alone. You can imagine what it’s like for a band to be together all the time, but imagine if they’re family, too. Taking that break was so nice because we worked our asses off, but we did things for ourselves. Then, we came back at the right time to do this all over again." Kevin answered.

"What did you guys think of Miley's VMA's performance?"

I sighed and scratched the back of my head,"It wasn’t my favorite performance of hers. I think that there’s one way of saying you’ve grown up, and there’s another way — I think that’s her way. Look, people are talking about it, so I think it’s working for what she wants."

"She’s smart. She’s very smart. We’ve always known that about her. She’ll always be successful. [The performance] was funny — I was laughing." Nick smirked.

"You guys are maturing..."

"Something we’ve been more comfortable with this go-round, rather than three or four years ago, is being more opinionated." Nick answered.

"You get to this point where you can’t live your life trying to satisfy everybody, personally or as a musician. Somebody’s going to find something negative. So we were like, Let’s just be who we are and have opinions — whether it’s on politics or music — and really show who we are as people" I stretched.

"With being able to take back masters of our songs and become our own bosses in a way, we have a lot of people hearing new stuff, and maybe they have had misconceptions in the past of who we are as a band. At the end of the day, I think people are surprised to know that we’re a rock band at our core. Things have started to shift where people are starting to feel the passion behind the art that we’re doing." Kevin nodded.

"There are gay rumors going around...."

I laughed,"First off,Kevin and I are married to two beautiful woman,but we have a lot of gay friends and gay fans. It’s a boy band stereotype; people assume, but we don’t take offense." I smiled.

"Prior to us being a band, I was a super theater geek. I loved theater and I still do, and I care about fashion, and I care about a lot of things that I feel like stereotypes are attached to." Nick smiled at me.

"So you guys left Hollywood Records?"

" I think we realized that, creatively, we were in very different places." Nick nodded and I nodded too."We were in that place where we were starting to think about being able to make our grown-up record. We didn’t want to talk about if they would put a parental advisory label on it." I shrugged.

"What about this thing called Twerking? You guys love it?"

"I’m great [with twerking]. I’m with it." I laughed along with my brothers

"I’m against it. I’ve just reached my limit. It’s just done. It’s too much." Nick disagreed,I looked at him. "Bring it on. I’m a fan. I just think it’s appropriate for the right people. Not everyone can twerk." I laughed.

"Anybody that’s on Diplo’s page — have you seen his Instagram? It’s impressive." Nick finished.

"I’m straight down the middle. The right amount at the right time." Kevin shrugged.

"Thank you guys for coming,we enjoyed you guys." the guy smiled,"Thanks for having us." Nick smiled,"Hey Kevin,wanna go to a bar with me?" I looked at him. 

"Can't,sorry." Kevin sighed,"Boo." I joked,"Well,later guys." I waved and got in my car and drove to a bar. I parked my car and suddenly heard yelling,I looked over and saw Demi.

What the hell?

I rushed to her,"Hey,hey let go of her!" I pushed the men away,"Haha douchebag." the guys ran off,I helped Demi up,she was shaking,"Joee......" she looked at me,she was cold,"Yes?" I looked at her.

"Cccccaaaannnnnn Iiii stilllll movvvveee innnnn withhhh you?" She shivered.

"Yes,of course!" I kissed the top of her forehead.


Oh my demi :c

Sorry for the shitty chapter,didn't know what to write and I'm a little depressed so hope you like. Comment to cheer me up.. :\

the next chapter will be better :)

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