# 22 - Break.

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(A/N): Heeeey I'm really, terribly sorry for updating with TWO days of delay but... I actually am kinda busy these days because of my exams and my b day so plzzzz forgive me..! Hope you'll enjoy the read anyway 💖~


"Because you're going with him"

I swear I was the most confused girl on earth. Just the day before I was certain that I had no chance of going to the Stargazers' ball with Koushi and now the situation was completely different. My heart was beating fast and I couldn't even have a little glance at him.

"WHA-?! Could one of you please explain what's going on?" I tried to keep me cool, but I actually was twisting a [h/c] lock of mine with my fingers and my stomach was bouncing inside me like a basketball.
Noya giggled at my reaction. He began mocking me and making gestures as if he was explaining the situation to a really young child or to someone who couldn't speak
his language.
"You..." he spoke while pointing at me with his left index "...and him..." he then pointed at Koushi with his right one "... to the ball together". He was now sticking the two of his fingers in a really awkward way.

"Sure, I got this. Many thanks" I spoke sarcastically while rolling my eyes and placing my fists upon my hips.
Then I managed to look at Koushi and tell him: "I'm really... uhm... really happy about this but... how are you gonna do with Kiyoko... I m-mean Shimizu-san?".
Koushi cast a peculiar glance upon Noya and he nodded. I really couldn't get what the heck was going on.
"Don't mind, sweetie... your senpai here's got a plan" he grinned and patted his chest. I couldn't shake the feeling that his smile had something wrong... something fake...

But I didn't have the time to think about it furthermore because Suga had grabbed my wrist and was leading me outside the cafeteria in a rush.
My senses were somehow confused. My eyes could just see the gleam of Koushi's silver-haired head and my ears could catch no other noise than the one of our steps.

We were outside the gym and we were alone together.
We were both silent while standing still beside each other and glancing at each other's face. It was like I could see him but couldn't touch him because of a silent, strong force that kept me standing still.
It was like we were separated by a glass surface.
I could see him taking steps towards me and then take the same steps backwards again. He had something to tell me, but he didn't know how to.

I couldn't wait to hear his voice again after what it seemed a century to me and to feel the heath of his body against mine.
We had been interrupted so many times that we didn't know from where to start.
To be honest, I knew exactly from what point I wanted to start, but yet I wasn't sure that would be a good idea.
I realized we were still standing there without saying a word, so I stopped myself from overthinking.

"Take a step to me, please" I forced myself to not look away because of the awkwardness of the moment.
He took a step towards me.
"You're still too far. Take two more".
He did. Now he was so close I could feel the tension in his body, the blood pulsing through his veins and his muscles trembling.
I could feel him and pierce his soul just by looking through his hazel eyes.
Slowly, he took my hand and intertwined his fingers into mine while gently embracing my waist with the other arm.

"I'm sorry [Name]... everything went wrong since the training camp started..." he mumbled.
"Yeah, you're right" I replied, feeling the pleasant heath of his neck upon my head, that was resting against his collarbone.
I was internally struggling because a part of me wanted to forgive him and kiss him straight away just like nothing else mattered but the other, devilish, one wanted to have a little innocent revenge so, after thinking a bit about it, I turned to face him and spoke: "Mhh... don't assume I'm going to act like nothing happened".
He raised an eyebrow.

I was internally purring like a cat. A smirk found its way upon my features.
"Listen..." I began to tease him because I was literally fed up with acting like the nicest girl "I want you to do something for me".
"What do you mean..?" he asked cautiously.
I let out a devilish grin that was a mix between Kuroo's Cheshire Cat smirks and Tanaka's threatening expressions.

I grabbed his hand and took him to my dorm, that was empty because everyone was still in the cafeteria.
We found ourselves in the bedroom I shared with Yachi and as I glanced at his face, I hardly managed to hold myself back from laughing out loud.
I had never seen his face turn into such a bright shade of red and I knew exactly that he was embarrassed because he was in the girls' dorm.

So pure...

This was against the rules and I was sure that he was thinking of being mocked by the rest of his team members because of this.
He was the mama of the team, after all.
In the meantime, I was searching for something in my closet. I could feel his eyes upon me, following my every move.

"I found it!" I exclaimed in pure enthusiasm.
I was holding a pastel blue t-shirt in my hands in a way to show it to him.
His features were engraved with a confused look, so I explained what I wanted him to do.

"See, this particular t-shirt was the last birthday gift to my brother, but he didn't appreciate it as much as I thought because of this..."
I pointed the words printed on the front.
"What I want you to do as a challenge is to make something that surprises me. You have these three days to do it and if you fail, you'll have to wear this t-shirt at the ball" I grinned with satisfaction.

He giggled while still leaning upon the wall, his arms crossed.
"Ok then, challenge accepted! You're crazy, [Name]-chan... I like it".
Then I placed the t-shirt upon my bed and got closer to Koushi.
"Yeah... this is my punishment for you... you've been acting like a precious guy since the camp started..." I went on, causing him to blush again.
I got a little more closer and whispered in his ear: "Oh, and make sure your lips heal in three days".

In the end we got out of the dorm, leaving the pastel blue t-shirt lying upon my bed.
The words printed on its front were Dorky Setter.


Hey ppl..! 😄
I hope you liked this chapter... I wanted to break the tension and write something funny for once so I hope I managed to do it~
My apologies again for slow updates but the summer exams session has officially begun and I have to study hard! 😱
Lots of love~
Shiri-Chan96 💖💖

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