#7 - Clearly

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Sorryyy I didn't know what picture I had to put, so I chose this because a shocking truth is revealed here..! (/ ^w^ )/


"Why..?" I whispered. My voice was altered. Both the guys I liked were breaking my heart on the same day. I felt like I really had a deep, bleeding wound right here in my chest.
I even considered changing school again, like I did two months before because of Oikawa. How long would I be running away from my problems, though..?

But suddenly I loosened the grip on his shirt like I was awakened. What the hell was I doing..? I now felt like I wasn't really sure I wanted to kiss Noya-senpai.

We still sat on the court holding ourselves like that, though. He adjusted his shirt and gently touched my cheek, then stood up and helped me out.
"Because what if Sugawara likes you back, [Name]-chan?" he replied, looking into my eyes with a quite serious attitude. I had never seen him with such a penetrating look in his gleamy hazel eyes, except when he played volleyball. It was amazing.
"Not possible... but what if I like you, instead, Noya-senpai?" I whispered in confusion. My head was full of entangled thoughts. I really wasn't that sure I liked Noya-senpai, indeed. "Yep, you say 'what if'... this means you really aren't sure of what your feelings for me are, but I can see them. I can see you like Sugawara, sweetie" he said with a gentle smile.

"Noya-senpai..." I whispered, in surprise. There was a moment of silence, then I mumbled: "Sugawara has a girlfriend, at the moment". I began fixing the court again.
"WAIT, WHAT?" he burst out "THIS IS NOT THE TRUTH!". His voice echoed throughout the gym.
I stared at Nishinoya with my mouth open, unable to say anything.
"No, that's not possible... I saw them. Her name is Kiriya Hitomi" I told him.
Nishinoya tried to keep his face straight, but he finally burst out laughing.
I couldn't understand what the hell was going on...

When he finally stopped laughing, he explained the situation.
"Well, she is NOT his girlfriend AT ALL! Listen, she has been my girlfriend, then I dumped her some time ago because, yes, she is beautiful, but she's such an annoying, selfish girl! From that time she started longing for him now that he doesn't want her anymore, [Name]-chan! And this since a couple of months. Doesn't this suggest you anything?"

Aw, crap! We must have been trapped in some kind of soap opera..!
(A/N: You are, girl!)

*Short Time Skip*
I was walking to my place with Nishinoya and I was laughing out loud. We were acting like nothing happened and I was glad with that.
He was mocking Tobio and Tsukishima in their quarrell during the last training session.
"Kageyama, you're such an idiot!" said he, acting like he was Tsukishima and then replied with the same voice of my brother: "No, you should have been faster and hit my toss, it was perfect, awesome, brilliant, you stupid dinosaur-minded nerd!".

I never had such a great friend, not ever in my life. I thanked God I understood that and hadn't kissed him that afternoon.


Hey, people..!
I hope you liked this chapter (if so, please leave a vote!) ^-^
Actually it is a Sugawara X Reader fiction, so it was quite obvious I couldn't make you people end up with cutie Noya of course..!
Next time there will be something new, so stay tuned because some characters are going to pop out..!
Thank you for reading
Shiri-Chan96 😊

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