#9 - Challenge (pt.I)

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I just couldn't sleep. I kept drinking litres and litres of camomilla tea and tried to count sheep, but it was useless. The only result was I needed to rush to the toilet to pee from time to time. The reason was I didn't want to see Toru again and I couldn't think of a plan that made sense at all...

Yeah, maybe I could skip school tomorrow... but if I do, Tobio-kun will get mad at me because I'm going to miss his match...
Oh crap, who is writing me at like 3AM?

In fact, my phone screen lighted up and I saw a message from an unknown number.

Message from: unknown
Hey babe, finally we are going to meet again... see you runaway ex-girl tomorrow at the match. I'm gonna get you back 😜

I knew exactly who HE was, even though I deleted his phone number.
Then my phone screen lighted again.

Message from: unknown
Hey, [Name]-chan! I'm sorry to bother you this late, but Ukai-san just called me to tell tomorrow I'm gonna play as well for at least one set and well, I wanted to ask you to come and see the match..!
P.S.: I got your phone number from Nishinoya, I hope this is no problem. See you tomorrow! 😉

Awww how sweet! Yes, tomorrow I'm definitely going to see the match! No matter what will happen, if Sugawara asks me to go, then I have to!

But I didn't imagine what was going to happen the following day...
Later on, I would have learnt that nothing good ever happens after 2AM.

*The following day*
"Hey, sweetie! What's going on? You look kiiiiiinda tired this morning" Noya-senpai greeted me. I just kept yawning.
"Yes, I kinda didn't sleep last night.. I was so nervous" I replied, trying to keep my eyes open.
"Why?" my best friend mumbled.
I told him about Oikawa and that my brother didn't know about it.
"Mmmmh... this is kinda tough. But don't worry, [Name]-chan! Koushi and I will protect you anyways!" he grinned and I smiled, too, because my best friend was a fluffy little thing but he would protect me even against a strong guy as Oikawa. He was the Guardian Deity, after all.

We were walking through the corridor towards the gym. When we entered it, I saw the whole school sitting on benches for the match. The players of our team were exiting the boys' locker room. I spotted Suga approaching and my heart started beating fast.
"Well, I'm going to wear my uniform, otherwise I'll be late! And plus, notice that I'm leaving you two alone" he blinked and ran towards the locker room.

"Ohayo, [Name]-chan! I'm very happy to see you here" Sugawara said with a gentle smile "but... you look tense".
"Oh.. Yes actually I am a bit nervous because of Oikawa" I replied.
He looked disappointed. "Oh, I see... do you have... uhmmm... a crush on him, maybe?" he asked blushing a bit. His eyes turned away and he awkwardly started rubbing his neck.
"No, It's that... I am afraid of him, actually..." and I explained the whole thing to him in brief.
"Please, don't tell my brother" I beg him, in the end.
"You don't need to worry, [Name]-chan! Trust me, I will do anything to protect you" he returned, smiling and gently touching my hand. I blushed violently and thanked him in the most clumsy way possible, causing him to giggle a bit. But I wished that moment could last forever.
Then he started warming up with the other Karasuno players and I started contemplating his perfect butt... uhmm hands.

In the meantime, Seijo players entered the gym, too. I suddenly heard many girlish screams and turned my eyes away from Suga-senpai to see Oikawa. He started waving at me and I felt the only thing I wanted was to vanish instantly, but I had promised to stay, so I sat down on the bleachers. Anyway, I couldn't help but shiver a bit.
The challenge was about to start.


Hey people! 🙅
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that I managed to try a little suspense..! If not, please gomen.
Thank you for reading my story so far, please leave comments and likes if you want me to update soon! 😄
Stay tuned

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