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"Oh, Jade!"

You know how some people are just naturally lucky with everything, from school to lifestyle, and you try to convince yourself that it's okay because they must have their own bad day and in a future you might have that kind of good luck. Well, this wasn't her day for any of that good luck.

She was happily entering the coffee shop Emma worked at, not even two seconds after the doorbell chimed she heard Piper, the woman that had the podcast AOC that Riley is addicted to, call her, motioning for her to sit down besides her in the empty side of the couch that Noah was occupying a few momnets before.

The teen sighed, closing her eyes for a moment, battling between acting as she didn't hear Piper or runing out of the coffee shop. But she dod none of tjose, instead she opened her eyes and turnd her body towards the older woman.

"You are just the person I've been meaning to talk to," Piper said with a smile. A smile that kinda creeped out Jade, she was smiling wide and her eyes showed a little bit too much enthusiasm for just a chat. Piper looked like she knew all your secrets.

"What about?"

"Nina Patterson." The womans smile never dropped and Jade sigh. She just wanted to get a vanilla latte with foam to enjoy on the walk back to her house, not be interviewed for a cause that wasn't anywhere near for a job.

In any other scenario Jade would be more than glad to talk, just not about Nina.

The young Keeling nodded, "There's no way I can skip this talk till, like, forever?" With that said, she turn around with the intention to go to the counter and get what she came her for, but of course a person like Piper would never miss a chance for a juicy story much less when it's about the someone dead that could boost her podcast.

Piper abruptly stood up from the couch and blocked Jade's way by standing in front of her.

"I'm a very persistent person." Piper didn't move a muscle, Jade had to be the one who took a step back. Piper stretch out a hand signaling for her to sit down.

"Clearly," Jade muttered, still freaked out that the woman's smile hadn't drop and wondered if her cheek were even hurting.

Jade sat down, Piper taking the spot besides her. The black haired woman picked up her notebook from the coffee table and turned on the recording app on her phone. She turned her body so she was looking directly at Jade. She seemed a little eager to start the interview in Jade's opinion. "So, Jade, do you believe that Tyler is the one behind the Brandon James mask?"

"Who else could it be?" Jade questioned right back, not even sparing her a glance at the woman, too busy looking at the menu that was above the counte, eyeing the prices.

"I don't know," she said calmly, tilting her head to the right, observing the younger girl besides her with a raised brow. "Maybe the star of a viral video that send an indirect threat to a now dead Nina Patterson," Piper suggested.

Jade scoffed, feeling accused. Yeah, she knew how bad she sounded in the video (believe her she watched it like a hundred times, fifty of those times her mom was besides her watching it with her), but not threatening to kill her level bad, it was an empty threat. It's was Nina for Goodness sake, pretty sure the only thing that would have died if she actually were to do something to Nina would have been her social life. "I was drunk! And anyways I would have never actually done something Nina, much less-"

"- But you said and I quote," Piper interrupted then paused as she flip a few pages of her notebook before founding what she was searching for, "Can't wait till Karma bites her in the ass and if it doesn't happen soon I guess I'll just have to do it myself. And then a few days after her death a gif goes viral with some very similar words in big bold red letters. Almost identical to something you said in your video.

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