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"Hey, have you guys gotten any weird phone calls lately?" Emma asked once her, Riley and Brooke who were linked by their arms got to the top of the school main steps where Jade stood waiting with black cat eyes sunglasses on.

Brooke broke from Riley's likened arm and went forward to linked her arm with Jade so they were in pairs. "Yeah, selling generic sex pills from India. No, thank you," she responded sassily, Emma nodded once and turned to look at Jade.

"The only person who calls me as of lately is my mom asking for Dominos pizza's number," the redhead spoke lazily. And her friends all made a mental not of not asking her anything throughout the day, the three girls took in the messy bun holding half of her hair that was still straighten hair from the party up and the other half down. From what her shade weren't covering, it was noticeable that she had no makeup since her skin looked paler than when she had foundation and the rest of her makeup kit applied on her face.

"No, like creepy, mysterious weird." They all shook their heads except Jade who raised her index finger moving it to the sides saying no.

"I don't know. This guy called and said something about how we pretend to have perfect lives online, on Instagram and Facebook." Emma explained why she asked.

"Well, he must be ancient if he thinks we're still on Facebook." Brooke remarks. Jade would nod but she didn't want to cause herself another headache.

She had to close her Facebook (not like she actually uploaded anything she only used it to keep up with what was going on in Lakewood since everyone basically spills the beans on the app) along with Twitter and Insta because of all the rude comments and mean messages she was getting. Eventually she made a new of everything and put them all on private.

"It's probably just Jake being a douche." Riley suggest. The dude was constantly calling all his girl friends to either mess with them or harass them you know typical Jake being The Jake.

He had called Jade so many time she even blocked his number. He kept asking her to put on a show which she didn't know what he meant by that so she just hanged up continued to watch Netflix on her computer. The boy was so lost in his world it made her change his contact name to Gaston.

Emma nodded her head, "maybe. Yeah, maybe." For Jade she still looked unconvinced, like she still didn't believe that it could be Jake.

Jade started giggling like an idiot when she remember the tweet she saw a few minutes before of the word doosh spelled in big bold red letters at the side of Jake's car and thinking back at what Riley said it made her laugh. Her friends just rolled their eyes not even fazed by her weird antics since it happens all the time.


As they entered the school everyone started glancing at Jade talking about her being coming back, probably gossiping about her arm being hooked with Brooke's.

She rolled her eyes pulling her hand away letting it drop and headed to her locker that was located across from Emma's with Brooke following her. Riley stayed with Emma who headed towards her own locker.

"Ignore them. They have to focus on something other than Nina dying or they'll end up actually paying attention in class." Brooke tried to consult her best friend noticing her change of mood. Crossing her arms, she leaned against the locker besides Jade's as she opens hers, nodding at her friend's words.

"Second day back here and people went from giving me the stink eye to whispering behind my back. Oh, I forgot how much I didn't miss school." She said and glanced at Brooke with a tight lip smile.

She knows not all the whispering and gossiping is just about her they were also talking about Audrey but everytime she looks up or glances to the side they were people staring at her and it made her feel uncomfortable.

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