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"So, Audrey, are you having fun tonight?" Brooke asked once Jade stopped burping to annoy them. A small portion of her group of friends were sitting around in the back porch with drinks in hand and small chats cutting through the silence.

Jade was still bitter that Brooke and Emma had told Will to haul her ass down from the table top where she was letting people licke salt off of her bare stomach and proceeded to take a shot. She had left the pool after a couple started humping each other, so she decided to have created her own fun. She was enjoying the game up until Will barged into the room and ruin it.

So there she was seated in a sandwich between Emma and Audrey with a beer in hand and someone's hoodie covering he top half, water still dripping and soaking through the maroon colored hoodie.

"Um... Yeah, I-I guess. I just don't know why I'm at the memorial for someone who made my life miserable since, like, fourth grade," Audrey responded.

The girl besides her let out a low chuckle, "She made everyone's life miserable."

"Yeah, Nina could be a first-class bitch. But it's weird... I keep on waiting for her to show up."

"Yep. Drunk, manic, amped up to eleven."

"Always dragging us into her crazy."

"Her crazy? More like her personal amusement park in hell," Jade added, since all of them were somewhat describing their deceased friend she decided to correct what they got wrong about her.

"Maybe it's better off she's gone," Jade nodded at Will's words before taking another sip, thinking that if Nina's gone there would be less of a chance of the video getting out.

Emma gave him a questionable look before asking, "are you saying that you're glad that she's dead?"

"No, I-I'm just saying our lives will be a little more sane now." Will explains what he mean. Jade raised her cup toasting to that.

Brooke scoffs, "yours will certainly be less complicated." Jade was taking a swig when she remembered the real meaning behind the sentence and almost choked on the beer making her spit it out back into the cup and started to cough. Everyone knew what that meant all except Audrey and Emma who connected the dots pretty easily.

Jade knew just like everyone else in their group of friends that Will and Nina had slept together. The girl got around. Jade never told Emma not because she was scare of Nina, because she promised Brooke and she didn't want to see the great couple, one that didn't make her wanna puke, break up. She loved how happy Will and Emma were. Jade didn't want to see Emma's heart break. But now she was seeing it in front row.

There was a silence that filled the group except for Jade who was still coughing, everyone glancing at each other before Emma got up and left with Will hot on her tail.


While they were outside the rest of their friends were inside listening to a drunken Noah, "a party like this, you're actually pretty safe from your typical Jason or Michael Myers type."

"Safe? But there's a lake. Hormones, beer."

"But we're together. You know, slasher dude isn't the Terminator, shooting his way through 30 cops in a police precinct. No. He's a wolf. Waiting for one of us to wander off alone."

That said person being Jade who was slowly nearing the dock, believing to see a shadow at the edge. Brooke went to talk to Riley and she was left alone drowning in alcohol by herself with no one there to stop her.

Audrey was the only one who notice her stray away because she was sitting next to her when she went to refill her cup and wonder after her after no seeing her come back. Auf feared that something could have happened to tipsy girl.

"Jade!" Audrey called the girl who was only wearing black swimsuit who was stumbling in the direction of the dock.

Running towards her she took a hold of her arm stopping in front of her, "hey. Where are you going?"

"I I th- thought I saw - I saw someone by the dock..." She stammered with her words, lazily raising a hand and pointed a finger to where she supposedly saw a dark figure.

But Audrey didn't believe her, she didn't even look back she just kept her eyes trained on Jade's face, noticing how her lips quivered along with her hand because of the cold temperature, "Jade, you're wasted and cold. Let's get you inside. You could get a frostbite."

Audrey couldn't believe that Jade's so called best friends left the girl alone when she clearly was wasted. She didn't know her that well and wouldn't normally be nice to someone who was a friend of Nina's, but she felt guilty, probably like Emma feel, but she didn't think about that.

Audrey felt sad for the girl, she's read the comments of Jade's video and they weren't pretty. So she helped the drunken, taking inside.


Audrey had been kept busy by helping Jade up to the bathroom without falling of the stair and had to leave her alone puking everything she had consumed throughout the night. She had looked out the window and saw people gathered around the dock making her worry about where Noah was.

"Noah? Noah?!" His best friend asked, rushing to the shaking boy's side.

"I'm okay. I'm okay," Noah assured his best friend as she helped him get up and wrapping a blanket that Emma had put on him just moments ago, more securely around his trembling body.

"Your friends are great, Emma," she said with coldness in each word. Audrey then started walking away but stopped remembering that she had left Jade to puke alone in the bathroom in a house full of harmonal teenasgers.

Looking back she revealed to Jade's friends, "By the way, if you haven't notice, one of your best friends is drunk and alone in the bathroom. Thank you for the invite." Audrey continued walking away with a shaking Noah.

"Jade," Riley whispered finally realizing that she hasn't seen Jade in a while since they all got to the party. She ran to the house the house pushing Jake on her way.


The next day in school Noah was finishing his story to Riley as they passed through the halls of George Washington High School.

"You see, you have to care if the smokin' hot lit teacher seems a little too interested in his female students." Noah points to where Brooke was sitting atop of Mr. Branson's desk. As he was close to her holding a notebook, probably "explaining" something of the class.

"You have to care if the team wins the big game." He points a hand towards the passing basketball team.

"You, uh... You have to care if the smart, pretty girl forgives the dumb jock." They turn around to where Emma was by the lockers, Will approaching her when she saw him she scoffed closing her locker and walking away.

"And you even have to care if the vivacious girl seems to be getting a little lonely." He points to the right side from of the hallway where Jade stood by her locker with a frown as almost everyone who passed by her either whispered to their friend or stared at her making her feel uncomfortable. Since her friend seemed to have their own things going on she hadn't spend any time with them since she came back to school, between getting her schedule and having a meeting with the principal about some of the rules she had to follow because of the whole scandal with the restraining order, it took a lot of her time, but when she was free like she was at the moment she didn't have her friends to put a smile on her face.

"Sounds like Friday Night Lights."

"Exactly. You root for them. You love them. So when they are brutally murdered... It hurts."

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