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musclebun: I've been copying yoongi hyung a lot lately

bitterjim: may the Lord give you mersy

rapmother:  children are the mirrors of their parents

musclebun: yoongi's not my dad

rapmother: quiet lamb skewer child

imadboy: for the past ten minutes seokjin has been trying to tell me that I am just a bad dancer as you guys

goldjin: AND IM RIGHT

rapmother: fighting for what's right

imadboy: cmon I'm not that bad

bitterjim: coughs

beforew: at least you won't go on hope on the street

jhate: 👄💞

beforew: discustin

rapmother: people in heaven should think about what it's like I'm hell thank you very much

goldjin: I'm dropping the mic

musclebun: God you two are so embarrassing

bts kkul fm makes me so emotional every dam time I can't believe it's already been 3 years for them

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