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igotyesjams: if u want to say the name of the person you hate, use * to bleep out one of the letters

imadboy: j*min

igotyesjams: fuck you

cutaepie: i*on man

therealkooker: d*ake

rapmother: c*ristina perry

handsomepigjin: this is getting out of hand

twoseoks: h*seok

handsomepigjin: why do you hate yourself

twoseoks: i think i smoked some of namjoon's weed and now im feeling existential, tall, and negative

rapmother: i dont smoke weed.....................

twoseoks: oh

twoseoks: my bad

imadboy: what is this

igotyesjams: ma deek

imadboy: you always have to make things worse

idek this chapter

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