Wing Woman

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Yes i love Sam. But. I need to get over myself. Class starts back tomorrow and i need to stop thinking of him and start thinking about me. After all i am my number 1 priority right? At least thats what i keep having to remind myself. I tend to put others first but you no what? Screw that. Screw them! I am the only one that is certain to be with the rest of my life so i have to please myself. Not others all the time.

That whole speech basically meant i am going to get off my ass stop moping and get my life back.

I was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine and incomes Lilly wearing a red sparkly dress.
"We are going out." She says while grabbing my hand and pulling me into our room.
"Where?" I say as she continued to drag me into the room.
"A club, i need you to be my wingwoman!"
"Lil! We can't! We have school tomorrow!"
"You got one life. Live it honey."
"Ooh sassy, the guy you will meet tonight will love that."
"So your in?"
Lilly clapped her hands with delight and began doing her makeup.
Here is the difference with me and Lilly when it comes to a party. I will spend 15 minutes on clothes and 5 minutes on makeup. Lil will take 5 minutes getting dressed and 15 minutes doing her makeup.

"Black or white?" I asked her as i held up the 2 dresses.
"White, your boobs are your best feature."
"Yeah your right. But i am not for sale tonight, you are!"
"True. Go with the black, show off those sexy legs!"
I just laughed at her.

Lilly drove us to coach, a club, while i stuck on some lipstick and winged eyeliner.
"We are here! Put away your lipstick and lets go get me a man!"
We always have the same routine almost, when we walk in somewhere. Side by side, head tilt and one hip out.
We strutted in there like there was no tomorrow.

We sat at the bar and we both agreed to drink light because of class in the morning.
Then all of a sudden, this greek god came up with his friend and asked Lilly to dance. The friend sat down beside me and asked me my name.
"Alex, you?"
I looked to the groud because i know i am not available. How do i tell him without sounding bad?
"So what brings you here Oliver?"
"Oh i am Adams wing man, you?"
"Really? I am Lillys wingwoman, ha!"
"Thats hilarious!"
"So Alex looks like we might be spending time together."
"What do you mean?"
Oliver pointed in the direction of Adam and Lilly.
Lilly was on her tiptoes to reach Adams lips.
"Adam never kisses a girl unless he really likes her."
"Thats adorable. I don't have that problem with my boyfriend, he lives in London now."
"Oh that sucks! My boyfriend is smaller than me but i still love him!"
"Yeah, i am gay."
"Cool. So is one of my friends."
"So what school do you go to?"
"No way. So do we!"
"Your kidding."
"No really! Whats your majour?"
"Biology and physics, you?"
"Hey who cares if this works out between them or not, we should keep in touch!"
"Defo, here is my number."
"Sweet guess i will talk to you later then?"

Just as we wrapped things up Lilly and Adam came over and Lilly grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the middle of the room.
"Ouch! You need to cut your nails!" I said to her because her nail was digging into my arm.
"Sorry, so what do you think?"
"Of who?"
"Both of them!"
"Well adam seems to really like you acording to his gay best friend."
"He said that? Wait! Oliver is gay!"
"Yup! We hit so hit it off!"
"Adam gave me his number."
She showed me her hand and i read the number written on it.
"Classy. Oliver and i actually exchanged numbers on our phones."
"So what now?"
"Well i would love to stay..."
"But we can't because we have class tomorrow."
"All right mother."
"Lets go say bye."

We walked over said our goodbyes and Lilly got a sexy goodbye kiss from the greek god.

"That was fun!" I said.
"Yes it was! Screw Matt. He was a turnball anyways."
"Alex. Please get a car."
"Why you don't love driving me everywhere?"
We both laughed and i agreed to get a car soon.

To be continued...

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