Face time

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I unpacked my things and set up my room the exact same way i had last year. I had my day bed agaisnt my blue wall with my pink furry lamp on my desk next to my bed. Exactly the same.
I was setting up the tv in the living room because nobody else knew how, and i heard something. Not just something, a ringtone. His ringtone. So what i am an indepentand women who doesn't need to rely on a man? So i will not answer.
I gave in about 2 seconds after i had that thought...
"Hey Alex! Hows moving back in been going?"
"It was fine, just normal stuff, how was your first day in your job!"
"It was great."
"That didn't sound enthustiastic at all. How was it really?"
"Boring! All i did was fetch their coffees and sandwiches. I feel like their bus boy, but i am their to learn. It sucks though."
"I know you can't feel it but i am sending you a virtual hug!"
I rapped my arms around myself and squeezed, he did the same on the other side.
"God i miss you."
"I miss you too."
"I hate saying this but i have to go."
"Its cool, i have,"
"Have what?"
"Huh, i miss playing with you."
"Me too! Bye!"
"Love you bye!"
"Love you too."

I hate the end of the call. So much. Its like skype just slaps you in the face.
Get over yourself Alex, he is just a boy, not the end of the world that he is not here. Just build a bridge and get over it.

Too bad the bridge was about to be burnt down again.

To be continued...

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