First day Back

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It turns out you do have the same roomates as you did the year before. So i was worried for nothing.
I walked into the room and everyone was already there!
"Hey Alex! How was your summer?" Lilly asked
"It was fine." I hadn't told anybody about what Sam had told me. I couldn't bring myself to say the words out loud.
"What did you do?" Lilly continued to grill me about my summer.
"Surfed a lot." And played summertime sadness on a loop in my room.

Mavis, Ruby and Brook were playing monopaly while i dissapeared into my room to unpack my things.
Lilly followed me into my room closed the door and said,
"Where the hell where you all summer? It's like you went to mars and came back like nothing had happened. What is going on."
"Sam is gone."
She paused, her face as shocked as i was when he told me.
"What do you mean he is gone?"
"I mean he packed up his things and moved to England to join some company."
"Why didn't you tell me."
"I was trying to spead as much time with him as possible and when he left in august i just wanted to be alone with my parents."
"Your parents?"
"Oh yeah my dad came home for the summer but he had to leave to go back to his base."
"That must have sucked."
"Yeah it did, but enough about me how was your summer?"
"What happened?"
"Jordan kissed me."
"WHAT? i thought you were still with Matt?"
"I was until i told him Jordan kissed me and then he broke up with me."
"Oh my god Lilly! Are you ok?"
"Yeah i got through it but i was mad at you because i tried to call you and you kept hanging up, but i can see why now."
"I am so sorry, Lil i didn't know."
"Neither did i."
"Still friends?"
"Always!" She said while hugging the life out of me. I missed this. Girl talk. I have missed them all so much. I decided to hide my blue feelings and cover it with yellow. Little did i know yellow amd blue makes green.

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