Chapter 13

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[WARNING: don't be mad at me because of what it's going to happen haha :p]
[btw: go read LuhTomlinson's fic "The Doncaster's Girl" because it's really really cool and it's worth the reading :) ]

I opened the door again and the tears began to slip out of my eyes even though I was biting my lower lip hard enough to keep that from happening.

Louis was right in front of me, only with a dark brown sheet covering her half of the body. I knew it was him, the girl had said his name and the bird-shaped tattoo on his right arm confirmed it.

I stepped back from the door shutting it and finding Harry right behind me. I had totally forgotten about him. I wiped the tears so he couldn’t see them, I don’t like that people know that I’m weak enough to cry, and walked down the stairs back to that room full of people who seemed to have shrunk.

"Emily, what happened?" Harry asked for the third time since I had gone upstairs.

"Nothing, just ... leave me alone." I looked around, I had to leave that house as soon as possible.


"Harry please!" I begged and tears fell again.

I tried to clean them, but Harry appeared in front of me and grabbed my wrists watching me carefully.

"Are you crying?"

"No, I just..." I tried to say, but I couldn’t stop crying.

"Keep calm." He said and pulled me against his chest hugging me. I was surprised, but I ignored and hugged him too. "What happened?" He asked a few seconds later to my ear.

"He... Louis was upstairs." I said and the tears fell even more intensely.

"Oh" Was all he said.

"I just wanna go home." I said pulling away from him.

"I'll take you."

"You don’t need to, I’ll-"

"Go by yourself? Emily, it's after midnight. I'll take you, we arrive to the university in 10 minutes."

Wow! It was that late? Oh my God. Tomorrow I had classes. Ugh! Harry insisted once again for me to go with him and I accepted. Not that he was the best company to take me back to the dorm, but he was probably the only one who would.

Harry approached his car and opened the passenger door and gestured for me to get it.

Weird... Who’d knew he was a gentleman.

I walked in and he closed the door to me. I didn’t want anyone to see me leaving of a weird people party with Harry that I considered dangerous, but I had no choice, and nearly everyone in that garden was more interested in sticking their noses where they shouldn’t. Literally.

I leaned my head on the car window while Harry took me back to university, where I should have been all the time. A tear fell, but I cleaned it up immediately and swallowed, avoiding others to follow.

Ten minutes later, as Harry had predicted, I was at the door of the university. I got out of the car and he followed me till he was in front of me.

"You’re okay?"

"Yes." I lied.

"You sure you don’t want me to go with you or anything?"

"No, you don’t need to. Go back to the party."

He came up to me and put his arms around my waist, pulling me against him. I looked at his face and saw that there were few centimeters between us.

"It won’t be the same without you." He whispered to me.

"Thank you for driving me back." I said and tried to smile.

"Whenever you want." He also smiled, showing up his dimples and walked away from me to his car. "Goodbye, Emily." He said and waved me before leaving.

I got the key to my dorm that was in the purse that luckily, I had brought with me. I opened the door slowly not to wake Kahlan, but only after, I noticed that she wasn’t there. His absence was, in a certain way, good. It avoided too many unnecessary questions about things I wanted to forget.

I stripped what Louis bought me and went bathing in very hot water to relax my muscles. The image of Louis with that blonde girl came to my mind and a few more tears fell.

I didn’t know why I was crying. Louis and I had nothing, and unless I lose my mind, we would never have.

I knew well what kind of man he was. The kind that is not satisfied with one girl in the same week. I should have known. I saw him enter in Kate’s dorm and of a few more girls. That girl I saw today was just one more and I probably was his distraction.

I put on my pajamas, took a sleeping pill and went to bed. I had to forget this day. A pill wouldn’t hurt, I passed years having tranquilizers and sleeping pills because of my father, so it would make no difference.

( ... )

I woke up and it was already ten, which means, it was almost time for class. Great! How I had slept so much? Oh yes, I lay down later. Ugh! If I don’t hurry up I’ll be late to English.


No. I’ll skip. I won’t look at Louis’ face after what he had done, after what I had seen. But if I skip, it’ll only show that I cared and that I was weak and could even be weak, but I didn’t care. Do I? Ugh! Why was it so difficult when it came to Louis?

I decided to get up, shower, dress and go to English class. I took a deep breath before leaving the dorm and headed to the classroom. When I entered my gaze wandered around the room, finding Louis with his head resting on his arms with eyes closed.

Oh my God. He looked like an angel.

Okay, Emily, you won’t even start with that. You will get yourself away from him, he is a bad influence on you and don’t even care about you except for that!

I sat and saw, from the corner of my eye, that he lifted his head and stared at me, but I said nothing and made intentions to remain like that.

"Where have you been, you disappeared. I was worried about you." He lied.

How he dared to lie so clearly in my face? When I saw him with that… person he was not minimally concerned about me!

"You're not gonna talk to me?" He asked, but I ignored it. "Okay" He finally said, sighing and leaning back against the chair.

The English teacher came in, saying what she always say when she enters the classroom, and began collecting the paper work she had asked. I took the one that had made with Louis and handed it to her. Delivering that paper work reminded me of the day I had been at Louis’…

I was not going to think about that.

It seemed like so long ago.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I hadn’t even noticed that the class was over, till the doorbell rang. Kahlan left the classroom without even waiting for me, even though I have called her like three times. What was wrong with her and why is she avoiding me?

"Emily!" Louis called and I ignored it, I didn’t want to talk to him now and I was glad he didn’t insisted.

Dark [Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction] *UNDER SOME FREAKING MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now