shadows of you

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shadows of you

if i write poems to you, will you finally understand me for who i am? for can you not see that the way i love is the way that shouldn't be?

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"like the rain falls into the sea, i'll cry a river continuously and never be seen as i disappear into forgotten history." -galena t.

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A U T H O R  N O T E

hello, everyone. although this is my first story on this account, i have written multiple times elsewhere. some people know of my past accounts, but this is a new start for me.

the poetry in this book will vary from one-liners to more because poetry is one of those genres where i can become extremely lengthy in due to explanations or other reasons. in addition, this book will focus on love, sad but happy and true but strange perhaps. hopefully you'll grow to like it, and i will be able to keep it alive since i have a tendency to mess things up easily.

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i would like to dedicate this to people in general. perhaps you will find a connection to it like i have with it.

also, special thanks to collisions- {she's also on hiatus sort of for finals right now so go shower her with love!!} because her book "about a boy" is something lovely and influences my writing from time to time.

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© copyright 2016 - @lusterless (galena t.) - all rights reserved

no part of this story may be reproduced, stored privately, copied, pasted, or transmitted, in any form or in any means - by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - without prior written permission from the writer herself.

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