3. Shopping

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Okay I'm still not stable after the Exo comeback because omfg. The whole album is amazing in my opinion.

Chanyeol's POV

When Sehun and I walked out of school we noticed it was starting to snow lightly. Sighing we went to our bikes.

"Yeah, great day to ride the motorcycles to school Chan." Sehun mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

When we got to my house and stepped inside my mother greeted us and kissed our foreheads. "Boys how was practice? Do you want some food?"

"It was okay, and no thanks we are going to the mall to meet Luhan and Baekhyun." I said.

"Make sure to take your car and be careful honey, its supposed to snow more." She said and we nodded, going up to my room.

Sehun often slept over so he already had clothes here. I went into my bathroom as he went to the guest room's to take showers. When I got out I wrapped a towel around my waist, going to find some clothes.

"Why do you take so long to shower?" Sehun asked, lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling. He was wearing his usual black skinny jeans, black T-shirt and black leather jacket.

"I took ten minutes shut up."

I changed into some ripped jeans and a random T-shirt and was about to walk out when Sehun stopped me.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing this time?" I sighed.

He walked over to my closet and picked out a plain white T-shirt and a dark red leather jacket. Rolling my eyes I took off the shirt I was currently wearing, throwing it and hitting him in the face with it before putting on the others.

"There, now you don't look like you just got off shift as a garbage man." He smiled and ran downstairs.

Getting into my black mustang I texted Baekhyun that we would be there in about twenty minutes before starting to drive. When we got to the mall we went straight to the food court, searching for the two short boys.

Sehun pointed to them, finding them sitting at a table away from most of the other people. We walked over and Sehun kissed Luhan on the cheek. "Hey."

"Oh hey you guys are here." Luhan smiled at us and stood up.

I looked over at Baekhyun, noticing that he was wearing makeup. He had on black eyeliner and some red going around the bottom and edge of his eyes. (Media pic obviously) I will admit he looked good though.

Baekhyun's POV

Chanyeol was staring at me so I coughed awkwardly and stood up, saying we should go walk around now. Luhan suggested I walk with Chanyeol while he and Sehun went to other stores and we nodded, going separate ways.

"You're wearing makeup? Like, willingly?" Chanyeol asked and I looked down.

"Uh. Yeah. I just like it."

"You look good, it suits you." He said and I looked up at him.

"No ones ever said that besides Luhan. They usually just laugh or call me stuff. Thanks." I gave a small smile which he returned.

After a few hours of shopping we both had many bags from multiple different stores. We made our way back to the food court and found Luhan and Sehun sitting at the same table as when we separated so we went and sat down me across from Luhan and Chanyeol beside me, across from Sehun.

"I'm hungry, let's get food." Sehun suggested.

"Yeah, I want pizza." Chanyeol said and they got up to go get some.

"Baek you coming?" Chanyeol asked and I shook my head saying I wasn't hungry.

When they came back they all had two slices of pizza each, well Chanyeol had three. He offered me one but I refused.

My stomach isn't used to food yet.

"Come on Baek, you're skinny enough as it is you could use some food." He chuckled.

I declined, but he held a piece up anyway. "Just take a bite at least."

Rolling my eyes I gave him a small smile as he fed me. It really wasn't bad, it was actually really good, but I couldn't eat a whole piece. Chanyeol chuckled and I tilted my head to the side questioningly.

"You got a bit of pizza sauce." He said, grabbing a napkin and wiping the corner of my mouth.

I looked at the table as I felt my face heat up. Looking up through my eyelashes I saw Luhan smiling and Sehun smirking.

Why was he smirking?

I ended up eating the entire slice of pizza because stupid Park Chanyeol wouldn't stop insisting. Luhan looked at me sympathetically as I took the last bite, he knew every problem and flaw I had. He knew I really didn't want to eat, but with Chanyeol giving me puppy eyes how could I say no?

When we got home I went straight to my room and laid on my bed, staring up at the ceiling of my dark room. The sun had already set thanks to winter and it being around seven now. My mind wonders to Chanyeol and I can't help it.

I still can't fathom why he would want to talk to me. Why he would be nice to me. Why he would even want to do either of those things. I'm just some broken person who self harms and can't eat food correctly, I was a fuck up who couldn't do things right.

Whatever his reasoning is for talking to me I just don't want to get hurt in the end. I've been hurt enough in my seventeen years, I don't think I could take anymore. I couldn't take anymore after what happened a year and a half ago, but Luhan saved me, or should I say stopped me and forced me to live. I am grateful for him stopping me and now I see that it could possibly be better to live but at the time I thought the opposite.

Even though we haven't been friends for long Chanyeol was still helping me see that small ray of hope through the storm clouds.

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