Orange Soda and B.F.F's

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"Hey, are you busy?" I ask, sweetly.

"Yes, very actually. Sipping my Orange Soda." Amanda answers.

I snort. Amanda could be so stubborn sometimes! I look out my window of my bedroom. It's only four o' clock and it's already dark.

"With what? It's Saturday night, and damn it I'm bored!" I exclaim.

"So am I. Are you busy?" Amanda replies sheepishly.

I hear her taking a long sip of her soda, thoughtful.

"Nope! Ooh, can I sleep over 'Manda" I ask, excited.

All of a sudden I hear a spewing sound, and ragged coughing. She splutters and I am filled with a mix of worry and guilty amusement. 

"Amanda! Are you ok? Amanda!" I shout into the phone.

"I'm...I'm fine! Actually, I take that back! I am not fine! You wanna have a sleepover with me? Yeah, right! More like a sleepover with my brother!" Amanda tells me, angrily. 

I roll my eyes, trying to be patient. It wasn't Amanda's fault , for she had every right to be upset. I had found myself spending more time with Cameron then with her. I bit my lip, feeling immensly guilty.

"Amanda, I'm sorry for ditching you. But I'm not sorry that I love your brother. Plus, he's away at a lacrosse tournament! Whatever. That doesn't matter. Now, which movie should I bring? As If You Liked Me? Or Maybe...Maybe Not?" I ask, tired.

"I...uh both. Let's stay up really late. Oh, and Chels? That was last night. He's home." Amanda tells me, reluctantly.

"Oh, he is?" I ask, my voice filled with hope.

Then I remember Amanda's tone when she told me, and decided to think before I speak for once. I take a deep breath, then say my next words carefully.

"I guess our sleepover won't work out then, huh? Oh well, see you in school probably." I say with a sigh.

"Chelsea, Cameron's spending the night with James. Well, he's coming over here." Amanda tells me with a giggle.

I grunt internally. James is Amanda's crush, and also Cameron's best friend. James is kind and shy, which is odd since Amanda is niether of those things. I like James, a lot. But James and I used to date so Amanda acts super over-protective sometimes.

"Oh, great!" I say with fake enthusiasim.

"Isn't it? He's getting here at around six. So I was thinking maybe you could get here around that time and then we could go see Pretty Little Bitches." Amanda says.

Amanda will be Amanda. If I gave in, I was going to have to endure a long gooey session called "Amanda flirting with James". Then games like Spin The Bottle! I mean, it was ok when it landed on me for Cameron but I can imagine how Amanda with wrinkle up her nose and ruin the moment by pretending to gag. 

"Ok, sounds fun. But I think I'll choose the movie, thankyouverymuch." I say sternly.

"Fine, you can choose. Ooh what are we going to wear?" Amanda squeals nervously.

I roll my eyes. Amanda is probably calculating how long it will take her to take a shower, dry and curl her hair, make up a new outfit, apply make-up, and still have dinner before James arrives.

"I am wearing jeans and a T-shirt. You can wear some short, slutty skirt for your hopeless lover." I say.

"Woah! Hold the phone!" Amanda exclaims.

I hear her drop the phone on her bed and roll onto the floor. There's a loud scraping sound and I know she is abusing her draws. Then I hear a screeching of her clothes rack as she searches her closet.

"Ooh Chels! I found my short skirt! You come up with the best ideas, Chelsea. So...don't wear any pink, ok? Cameron hates pink anyway." Amanda drones on.

I roll my eyes, and sigh yet again.

"Ok, Amanda. I'll be over at five." I say into the phone and with a click I hang up.

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