The Real Deal

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I stop at his doorway, hesitant. I can hear James voice come out in low whispers. I decide to knock. I hear all voices cease. The door opens. James nods to Cameron inside before throwing me a worried look. Then James disappears, replaced by Cameron. I take a step back.

"What do you want?" Cameron asks, avoiding my gaze.

"I saw you with Lucy. I saw you with Emily. Why?" I demand in short, angry statements.

Cameron's eyes pop out and he rocks back and forth on his heels. I continue to stare at him, with a cold glare.

"I was walking with Lucy that day, because I thought her grandfather had died. That's what Jenna, her friend, told me. I felt really bad so I asked her if she needed company. It turns out that Jenna was lying and the only reason Lucy agreed was because she liked me." Cameron explains, blushing.

I nod, secretly pleased that he is embarassed. I keep my exspression the same, careful not to show any emotion.

"So I'm guessing Emily's grandma died and you felt guilty again? So you decided to bring her to the library, I get it. Makes perfect sense!" I say, with a dark and humorless chuckle.

"Emily is my cousin, Chelsea!" Cameron exclaims, exasperated.

I feel so stupid right about now. Emily was Cameron's...cousin? I read that situation all wrong. I guess I should have actaully asked before I exploded.

"Now you have some questions to anwser, Chels. Why were you stalking me?" Cameron asks harshly.

I blink, still recovering from his last statement. Stalker? Ouch, that hurt. I look into his eyes, searching for some bit of forgiveness.

"I...I'm sorry that I accused you of...yeah. I didn't stalk you, Cameron. I go to the library all the time! You should know that...that's where I met you, remember?" I stammer.

I sink to my knees, balling my fists. I shake my head slowly, hoping that this is all a dream. Cameron pulls me up and tries to take my hand. I back up, shaking my head.

"What the hell? You're supposed to be mad at me! How can you forgive me so damn easily?" I ask, confused. 

"Can we just forget this ever happened?" He asked me.

"You would do that for me? I'm touched." I mumble sarcastically, smiling.

Cameron laughs and runs a hand through his hair. He nods, and leans forward to kiss my forehead. I yawn and he wraps his arm around my waist, leading him back to Amanda's room.

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