Plans of Attack

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"What do you want, Zane?" I asked, angered just by his presence. "Oh, nothing, nothing... I just wanted to come show you this delicacy I've obtained..." As he said this, he pulled something from his pocket. It was a golden and red sphere, as it looked like, and he held it up for us to see. It was the shape of an egg, and it had gold lining. The rest, though, looked like red fabric. It had a pointed edge at the end that looked like a needle, but wasn't very sharp at one end. The gold mining had a pattern engraved in it, a bunch of swirls. "You know what this is?" Zane asked. We were silent, examining it closely. "It's an amulet. It can take me to any dimension I want." he explained to us. "It's the Bloodline amulet." I heard Lucinda call out in the middle of the crowd. "Correct! And I plan to use it." he stated. "Where did you even get one of those? It looks like a rare find." Dante asked Zane. "Well, it wasn't that hard, really. I broke into the museum and got it. No problem for me." he answered. "What do you mean, 'for me'" I asked as a follow up. He started laughing insanely to himself. "Oh, the winning question. Well, you all have your powers, do you not? You couldn't have thought that you were the only ones affected by it. Gosh, you probably don't even know what 'it' is! When you started getting your flashes, it was after an invisible radiation wave went over the town. Our town." he explained. "Why would you need to go to another dimension?" I asked him. "I have my reasons, and you all will eventually figure it out yourselves." he told us. I scowled at him, as did a few of the others. "It's not going to be for anything good..." whispered Laurence, who was standing beside me. I nodded. I saw a little blue cloud of dust dancing around behind Zane- Lucinda was going to try to take the amulet from him. He seemed to know that she was going to try to get it, because he teleported up to a high tree branch, and held the amulet out as if he would drop it. "Ah-ah! Nope! I you even attempt to try to get this from my grasp, I will drop it, and it'll break. And when amulets break..." he started. "They don't do anything good to the people around them." Lucinda finished. "We'll meet again." Zane said, as he disappeared to somewhere else. We turned around. Lucinda's staff began to gather particles around us. "What are you doing?!" Nicole asked. "I'm taking us to Aphmau's house. We need to research about this amulet." she said. In a flash, we were in our living room with a laptop in front of us. Laurence stepped up to it and typed 'bloodline amulet' in the search bar. We clicked on a link and read about it.

The bloodline amulet is a type of amulet that in very ancient times was used by all-female tribes to reproduce. Once the amulet 'hatched', then the amulet had gained the ability to take you to any dimension of your choice. Once that is done, and ONLY once that is done, you can break it to exit the dimension. This is a warning to NOT break it before you entered the other dimension, or else a mini explosion will happen. This type of amulet is VERY rare in current time, or now.

Laurence shut the computer. "He's going to travel to another dimension at some point. Maybe even take us with him, you never know with him." Garroth said. "Right now, he's probably just stalling and letting us keep up guessing where and why he'd go to another dimension." Kaetlyn suggested. "Well, whatever it is, it can't be good." I say. "Guys, I don't know how your seeing this, but I'll tell you how I am. We don't know when he's going to make his move, and we're just over here, not doing anything about it. We need to do something about this." Lucinda said, having a determined look on her face. "She's right." Travis said, backing her up. "I know I'm new in town, well, at least I've been here for a couple months. I don't know Zane well, but I know he's bad news. I've dealt with this type of person before." he explained his reasoning. "So, do we even know where he is at the moment? I mean, if we're going to be 'doing something', we should know at least where to go." Dante asked. "What if... and keep in mind that I doubt this is true, but... What if he was trying to lure us in? And he wants somewhere with a lot of people, a lot of attention... Guys! What big events are going on today?" I asked frantically. I knew that this would be something Zane would go for, it had to be." I said, backing myself up. Kawaii~Chan went to our television stand with our mail scattered all over it, and looked through everything. Kawaii~Chan selected a few events that looked like they'd have a lot of people there. One caught my eye: an opera house showing. It was today at nine o'clock. I pointed to it urgently. "This is it." I say, but as I said it, I saw another flyer. It was for an awards ceremony for comedians. "We're going to need to split up." Laurence said. Since I was the one to choose the opera house showing, I was put in that group along with Laurence, Garroth, Kaetlyn, and Aaron. "Guys, I have some feeling that we're going to need the real whole group here." Lucinda said, and we all looked at her in confusion. In less than an hour, Garroth and Zane's brother, Vlyad had flown in, as well as Zoey and Cadenza. "Vlyad, your good at hiding, we played hide and seek all the time when we were little. Any tips?" Garroth asked. "Well, your not really hiding in this case, just blending in. So in this case, I can't really help. The only thing I could help with was combat. Which I believe that you all have handled." Vlyad said. "Wait, back up. Combat?" I asked. He nodded, and his eyes flashed a blood red color for a second. "Wait- you and Laurence have the same... thing." Kaetlyn examined. "Yeah. We're both natural shadow knights." he explained simply. "That's a thing? Gosh, that sounds dark...." Nicole commented. "Well, we're two of the few that can control being one, and our emotional situation." he said. "I might be able to help get you all to fit in, though..." he offered. "Me too, if we aren't going to be in your costumes." Lucinda said. "No, we're not, so what do you got?" I asked. In a snap of her fingers, we were all in our costumes. "And you can do that to all of us? Even with distance?" Dante clarified and she nodded. "But first-" she began. She snapped her fingers yet again, and we were all in dresses and tuxedoes. "Dressed for the occasion." she said. "Okay, that was all I had. Mind if join in one of your groups?" Vlyad asked. "Yeah! We actually had an uneven number- if we count Cadenza too. We have a bit more, so you can go into the opera house." Dante suggested. "We need to get tickets- if this came this morning, then they probably still have a lot of tickets in stock." Nicole said. Laurence opened the computer back up and went to the websites on the flyers. He bought us all tickets. "Also, this amulet is pretty much a ticking time bomb. If it falls, civilians are going to die, and we won't be able to help anymore. We would not be filling in our side of the deal with Joseph." I warned everyone, just as a precaution. "Wait, guys. I brought something. I got us all earpieces to talk to one another, but if one of us goes into another dimension, we'll lose connection with that person. Got it?" Vlyad said as he handed out the tan earpieces. "Lucinda, your going to need to teleport Zoey from place to place without being noticed so that she can put an invisible barrier around all the civilians in case this thing does blow up. We're going to need to do a lot of communicating. We're going to tell you when to teleport her, and let everyone know when that's done. If one of us spots Zane, we have to tell everyone. We have to keep out heads down, too, in case he has eyes around. Act normally, and don't make a scene unless your being attacked. The last thing we need is to be attacked. The only one who can do this is Lucinda, who can make illusions of other people making scenes as a distraction. Don't use your staff unless you can make it 100% invisible. Okay?" Vlyad laid out our plan. "Wow, Vlyad, I didn't realize that you were a master at grand plans." Garroth commented. "Well, it's a hobby." he replied. "Besides, where'd you get all these earpieces?" Cadenza asked him. "I have my ways," he said to her, looking at Cadenza in the eyes. "Anyway, if any of us see Zane, alert us, and tell us where he is. Also the direction he's headed. Then, everyone will slowly and casually make their way to him, but not too close. If he finds us first, then... lets hope the barriers are up, and we can let everyone know about it before he attacks us. Plus, we'd hear any commotion going on in the speakers of our ear pieces, so Lucinda, be aware of that also so you can make your move and put everyone in that spot in their suits. If Zane is there, he'll for sure have the amulet with him. Is everyone clear with the plan? If not, ask your questions now." Vlyad finished. Everyone stayed silent. We were ready. All we could do now was wait for 9:00 to leave. We sat there, silent, for a few hours until it got dark out, and then Vlyad said: "Let's move out."

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