Vacation: PT. 1

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We had all arrived at the hotel finally, and we went into the lobby to check in. We took up our suitcases and got our room keys, and then went to the elevator to go to floor six, where our room was. Aaron opened up the door and we all were a but surprised at the size of the room. There were a bunch of beds to stay in, but single-person beds. There were six of them! Kawaii Chan really meant it when she said she booked a large room. But still, six beds wouldn't be enough. "Hey, there are a lot of beds, but still not enough," I said, facing Kawaii Chan. "Kawaii Chan knows. Kawaii Cham booked two rooms for us." she replied. a few of us went "Ohhhhh,", and Kawaii Chan led us over to the door on the side of the room. "This door leads to the other room. There are six more beds, so a few will be extra. We can put some of our bags on the extras. Kawaii Chan thinks that we should put our bags down and go see what there is to do!" We pretty much all agreed on this, so we set or bags against the wall, and went back out the front door. "Do you all want to go down to the boardwalk and hang out, then we can have dinner down there? Or lunch? Or both!" Nicole suggests, and we agreed to that also. We ended up deciding on getting a snack, and walking around, then we can meet up for dinner. There were three groups of us: Group one was: Nicole, Kawaii Chan, Garroth, and Dante. Group two was: Lucinda, Travis, and Kaetlyn. And group three was: Laurence, Aaron, and I. We all separated, and we decided to go to an ice cream stand. Laurence graciously offered to buy me ice cream, and I took it up. As we sat down at the table, I saw Aaron scowling. I wonder what that was about. It's probably nothing to worry over. We ate all of our ice cream, and then threw out the cups they came in. We started to walk away, when we heard.... glass shattering?! I flinched, and then the rest of us looked to see a group of robbers breaking into the jewelry store down a few shops. "We don't need our suits to switch," Aaron said, and then me and Laurence looked at him like he was crazy. "Are you suggesting what I think your suggesting?!" I said, and he nods. "B-But then everyone here will know that we have the powers, and they'll thing we're like, aliens or something! What about the police?" I continued. Then Aaron pulled out three masks from his draw string bag. Me and Laurence sighed. "We don't have a choice, do we? And if we say no, you'll still go." Laurence says, and Aaron said yes to that. We groan and Aaron said that this is what we had trained for. We went into a bathroom nearby that was empty. We made sure no one saw us going in, and then we put on the masks. I also put my hair up, then we headed out. We sprinted across the docks, and entered the store. We switched into ur forms, and Aaron yelled for them to put their hands up. They did, and just then the police arrived. I turned around to see that a large crowd had formed outside the window, but was being shooed away from it by the police. Soon a cop entered, and we look down. Aaron was still watching the robbers still though. By now all three of the robber's weapons was on the counter. That was easy, but they hadn't ever seen anything like this before. What if there were other people out there like us, but weren't good? I shouldn't think about that, though for the moment. One of the NYPD officers was walking over to us. I looked up, and then he stopped walking. He couldn't possibly be afraid of us, could he? "Erm... Hi...?" I stuttered. The officer now looked confused. "We, um, we could have handled them, you know," he says, and I nod. "They had weapons, and we didn't want anyone getting hurt." Aaron said, looking directly into the the officer's eye. "If you don't mind me asking, what's the deal with..." he trailed off, not knowing what to call our powers. "Well... I'm just going to say that we weren't exactly born with it, I'm pretty sure," I explained. He nodded, and Laurence pitched in: "I'm not too sure if we can give out much more information, though. We don't exactly want attention, either.... If you don't mind." "Very well... Being that you helped us today," the officer says, and we thanked him. Aaron, Laurence, and I put away our JON forms, and he officer left the shop. I then realized that an employee was standing behind the counter, and he looked very surprised, but also confused and scared. He then relaxed and thanked us, and we left the store. We kept our masks on, especially when a large crowd of people started crowding around us. Questions were being fired at us like a machine gun, and it was really overwhelming. Then the police came over and cleared a walk way for us to go through. How were we going to get away? I mean, it's not like we had a change of clothes! Maybe if I can get some privacy I could call one of the others, and they can get a change of clothes for us all. Then we can change, then take off these masks. It took forever for the crowd to  leave us alone, and we eventually say down at a bench to wait. It was an hour later when the full crowd had left us alone. I texted Kaetlyn to get us our stuff, and she said yes. What she also said, though, was that we will need to explain absolutely everything when she got here. When she got here, she pretty much jogged to us, once we were in eye sight. She finally reached us, and she sat down. She set the bag with the clothes down on the table, and said: "What were you thinking?!?! What happened?!" Everyone was quiet. "Well..? Who wants to start?" she said, it was almost as if she was our mother, heh. "W-Well, we heard glass breaking, and Aaron said he was going in and told us to come with him, we put on these masks, we switched, and then the police were here all of a sudden pushing a crowd away from the shop window. We had a talk with the policeman, and they let us off the hook. And here we are." Laurence explained to Kaetlyn. "And I'm guessing this all happened in the jewelry store?" Kaetlyn guessed, accurately, looking over at the shop where police tape and cars were surrounding. "They're going to come looking for us at some point, you know," Aaron muttered. I felt a wind against my back, as if my it was out in the open. I felt there, to check, and it was! Oh my gosh, my wings had came out, and ripped my shirt to come through!!! Yeah. I'm going to need a new shirt. I sighed. "Yes, they will. They will want to know more about our powers," Laurence replied to Aaron's comment. Kaetlyn and I nodded, and Kaetlyn asked: "Yes, this is going to happen. But may I ask, who exactly is 'they'?" "Well, anyone, really. Mostly reporters, maybe policemen, maybe just any day people. But all we did was save a jewelry store!" I guessed. "Yes, I understand that that is all we did, but they won't be focusing on that, though, mainly. They'll be focusing on our powers. No one has ever seen anything like that before," Aaron said. We agreed on this. He got up, and so did the rest of us. We walked over to a nearby bathroom to go and change, and checked to see if anyone saw us go in, and we were safe. Kaetlyn said that she will wait outside for us, and Laurence, Aaron, and I went inside. Aaron and Laurence went into the men's room, and went into the woman's room. I took the big stall, since I was changing. I take off my ripped shirt, and put on the new one- a purple tank. Then I took off my current shorts to put on a new pair- light blue jean shorts with some rips in them. I also took off the mask before I left. I exit, and waited a minute more for the boys to come out. They came back out finally, in their new outfits. We headed back to the hotel rooms, because for such a short 'encounter' we had, it wiped us out.

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