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We drove out of the parking lot. We would have driven faster, but the police were here, and we didn't want to get any tickets. We left the parking lot, and drove down the road back to our neighborhood. Laurence was in the passengers seat, and he texted Cadenza that they left. She texted right back and said that she saw what happened on the news. She also told him that leaving was probably a good idea around now. Laurence asked her if she was able to keep us updated on the news story about the light. She agreed, and soon after told us that the reporters said that the police were going to question everyone on the fifth floor. We were on the fifth floor, and they're going to find out that no one up there did it, and then the lady at the front desk is going to tell the police we just checked out of that floor, and they're going to find out it was us! Oh my Irene, this is going to be bad. After I pointed that out to the group, we all started to freak out a bit. They can figure out our address, and then our secret will be out! Cadenza said that if they come, tell them what we told the woman in the lobby, so our story is straight. But then they'll ask us about it... "Guys, if they ask what the emergency is, what are we going to tell them?" I asked. We stayed silent for a moment, thinking. "We can tell them that..." Lucinda trailed off, then said: "What can we say?! We were all there! They have our names!" A ding went off in the front of the car- it was a text from Cadenza. We looked over the seats to see what it said:
Hey Laurence... They think it had something to do with the boardwalk incident this afternoon in the jewelry store... And they're not wrong.
"Okay, if they find out it's us, our cover is blown. And, it gets better-" Dante said, sarcastically. We looked at him for what he thought was 'even better'. "If the police show up at our house, there are bound to be reporters with them." he guessed. We hear ringing in the car. Laurence connected his phone to the car, and he was calling Cadenza, so we can all hear her. "Hey everyone!" she said hi to us. "I have an idea for that 'family incident'" she said. "Garroth, you said your brother and mom were in town recently, right?" she asked. "Yes, but she still is," he corrected. "Well, that's perfect! You can just say that one of them got sick, and you all wanted to come back home to see them," she said. It wasn't a terrible plan, but all of us came home to see them? I asked Cadenza about this. "There's a solution to that," she began. We let out a sigh of relief. "Garroth, you brought one of the cars, as yours. You wouldn't have a way to get home really, and you didn't want to waste money on flying back when it's just three hours away. This doesn't have to be true, given the situation, and if everyone follows along, then it can work. But that means your mom and brother will, too." she said. We all agreed to this. "Hey, Cadenza, thanks a lot. Is it okay if we call the other group to tell them this really quick?" Laurence asked. She said it was fine, so that's what we did. They seemed really relieved to have a plan, and it probably took a bunch of weight and stress off their shoulders to know we had a plan. We hung up, and then drove home in silence the rest of the way. I just hoped that this plan worked. Soon, we pulled into our driveway, and started unloading all our luggage. I rolled in two of the suitcases- Kaetlyn's and mine- blue and purple. I left those bags inside and then came back out to get our draw string bags. Soon, all of our stuff was inside , so we helped the guys bring in all of their luggage to their house. Lime, turquoise, navy blue, and cactus green bags. Kawaii Chan took two bags, and I took two. Kaetlyn was right behind us with their draw string bags. Soon after that, the other car arrived, and pulled into the boy's driveway. They started unloading their bags, and I offered to drive Aaron to his house, which was further down the street. So was Lucinda's, so we hopped into me and the girl's car, and drove down to Lucinda's house, since it was closest. I was driving down the street with Aaron, when he said: "Crazy day, huh?" he said. "Yeah," I laughed. "You don't think we're going to be caught, do you?" he asked me. "No...!" I trailed off. "I don't know, are we?" I said. Aaron shrugged. "It's not the worst thing to be caught for saving a jewelry store, heh," he said. After he said that, we pulled into his driveway. "Thanks for driving me, Aphmau," he said. "Any time," I smiled, as he opened the car door, and pulled his single suitcase into his house. I waved, even though I'd probably see him soon.
He closed his door, and so I pulled out of the drive way to head home. Once I got all the way back, the street was empty, and everyone was back in their houses. I pulled into the garage, and walked inside. Kawaii Chan and Kaetlyn were sitting on the couch. "There's nothing to do but wait, is there?" Kawaii Chan said. Kaetlyn shook her head no. I came into the living room and sat on the couch with them. Laurence texted us and told us that Dante drove Nicole home. A minute after that, Cadenza started a group text with us to keep in contact. But what she said when she started it was not good:

Hey... I have some news and I have to type it fast: there are police at my door and they're saying that they saw me leave the hotel shortly after the light appeared. I need to answer it...

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