Chapter 5

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Maya's POV:

The first week of work was tiring. Angelos made it his mission to keep me on my high heeled feet at all times. I spent my days organising meetings, getting him his coffee, sorting out papers, fixing appointments and what not. 

But then again, I was hired to do this. And I was being paid well for it too. 

Finally, after doing a good 3 hours worth of work, I collapsed into my chair, holding my forehead in attempt to try and get rid of my headache. Trust me, it wasn't working. I took off my heels and stretched out my feet that had now gotten a few blisters on them from the amount of standing up I had to do in them. 

Suddenly, my foot stretching session was interrupted by the intercom. My boss's deep voice started speaking through it.

'Ms. Jackson, my office now.'

No 'please'. Honestly, this man has never encountered a person called Manners. 

Sighing, I slipped my shoes back on, took a sip of my now cold coffee and hobbled into his office with my notepad and pen. I knocked on his door and he let me in. 

'Is there anything I can do, Mr Martinez?' I asked politely although inside, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep. This is Maya Jackson sleep deprived with soar feet and lasting on cold coffee.

'Yes, I need you to organise a charity event for Saturday the 21st. That's exactly two weeks away. The event is for Children in Need in LICs and high profile people have to be invited, around 450. We need to raise as much money as possible. Is that clear?' he asked. I nodded my head, writing away on my notepad. 

Two bloody weeks to sort out an event that holds around 450 high profile people? Is he crazy? Do I look like some robot to him to sort this out PLUS all the other things needed to be done on a day-to-day basis?

'Is there anything else I can do?' I asked. I had to ask, even though I was overflowing with work already. 

'Yes, I need to have a meeting with the entire finance department tomorrow at 2 pm. I need you to sort out and get the conference centre ready for the meeting and call up the department so they are ready for the meeting as well. That's all,' he said, not looking up from his laptop screen. 

I smiled and left the office, made my way back to my own, shut the door and let out a low groan. 

I can't do this. It's too much.

I threw off my heels, walked to my bathroom adjacent to my office, turned the cold water tap on and splashed my face. After doing so a couple of times, I turned it off and grabbed the towel and dried my face. The very little make up I had on had by now, come off. It left my tired face to be shown to the world. I stared blankly at my face in the mirror and shrugged.

Oh well. 

I walked back out to my office, sat down and exhaled loudly. 

Ok, let's do this. 


5 hours later, I finally put down my phone after making a call to the restaurant that was going to be serving at the charity event. I had sorted out the conference meeting for tomorrow and had emailed all the necessary people in the finance department about the meeting. I had started the guest list and was about three quarters of the way through. The event venue had been decided and confirmed with my boss as well as the food being served. 

My head by now was beyond bearable. I just about put on my shoes and grabbed my bag and made my way to Martinez's office. I knocked and pushed open the door. He wasn't in there. 

Huh, he must have gone home. Without telling me. No surprise there. 

Sighing, I pushed my exhausted body off the door and made my way to the elevator. It took me down to the car park where I stumbled out and crashed into someone. 

'I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there, I-' I finally looked up to see the person I had crashed into. 

My boss. 

'Ms. Jackson, look where you are going,' he said with a stern voice. His hand was clutching onto my arm. 

All of a sudden, my head started spinning and everything around me too. I clutched onto my forehead and tried to see properly but everything was too blurry. 

'I can't see,' I whispered to no one. 

And then everything went black. 

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