Chapter 3

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Maya's POV:

My eyes cracked open and as did my head start pounding. My curtains hadn't been drawn, allowing the New York sun to flood my room. 

'Someone do the bloody curtains!!' I yelled to thin air. 

My head was pounding so badly!

'Sage, I swear to God, the next time you even say the word 'bar', I will peel your skin off and then burn you alive before drowning you!' I shouted, my voice muffled in my pillow. I waited for what felt like eternity, for her to do the curtains.

'Sage! Where the hell are you woman!?' I shouted again, not even lifting my head up off the pillow. 

'There's no one around here called Sage,' I heard a husky voice say. I instantly stiffened. 

Who the hell is in my room? And where's Sage?

I ever so slowly lifted my head off the pillow and towards the source of the voice, my head still pounding. However, my head pounding didn't stop me from screaming at the top of my lungs.

'God damn it woman! Do you want to burst my ear drums or something?!' he shouted, covering his ears. My instinct told me to cover myself because I didn't even know whether or not I was wearing clothes.

'What the hell are you doing here? Are you following me or something cause I swear to God, I will file a restraining order against you!? And why are you standing half naked in front of me?! Oh my God, did we? Holy fudge! You asshole! You better not have - ' my voice after that was mumbled as he had covered my mouth with his hand.

'Don't you have an off button or something? Calm down!' He said. I stared into his flaring blue eyes, only to bite down of his hand, making him hiss and retract it away. 

'Why are you in my room? And how do you know where I live?' I asked.

He raised an eyebrow, 'Babe, I'm not in your house, you're in mine.' 

My lips turned into a 'o' shape as I finally took in my surroundings. The walls were a deep cream colour, dark brown floorboards in place under the bed. The double bed I was sitting on had cream covers that matched the walls and the furniture was all matching the walls and floor. 

'How did I get here?' I asked, rubbing my head. The ache was getting worse and worse. 

'Here, take this. It'll get rid of the hangover,' he said, handing me a glass of water and some medicine. I took them off him gratefully and swallowed them, hoping they would get to work quickly. 

'And to answer the millions of questions you shot at me... no, I'm not following you. I met you last night at the bar you were at with your friend Sage, I'm guessing. You passed out whilst dancing with me and I couldn't find your friend so I took you home with me. And no, we didn't have sex. I left you to sleep in my guest bedroom whilst I slept in my own room. I'm half naked because I just came out the shower and decided to see whether you had woken up or not. Any more questions you have for me to answer?' he asked. I could hear the hint of sarcasm under his tone. I shook my head silently.

'Did you change my clothes?' I asked. 

He raised an eyebrow, amused, ' You shook you head no but still asked a question?' His hazel green eyes glinted in amusement. 

'Just answer the question already,' I snapped.

'No, I didn't because I had a feeling that you would bite my head off in the morning. Although, I really wanted too, even if you looked sexy in that dress of yours,' he said. My cheeks inflamed as the words rolled off his tongue. 

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