Chapter 15

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Wyatt crying was what woke me up, and it surprised me that he had allowed me a few hours to myself. Sitting up reminded me that I wasn't at Kellin's, and that I was wearing only Jenna's sheets. I giggled quietly at the thought and looked at her sleeping face, squished against the pillow with her hair doing whatever it felt like. Her arm was draped loose around my waist, as though she didn't want to stop the warm skin-to-skin contact we'd maintained since arriving at her apartment.

I shook my head to remind myself about Wyatt, and threw on some clothes before going to change him and feed him. I held him for a bit to get him to go back to sleep, and once he did I was quick to return to Jenna's bed. She was half-awake now, propping herself up on her elbow as she patted the empty spot beside her. Let's just say there was only a bit of her actually covered by her sheet, and I nervously chewed on my lip.

"Take those clothes back off," she said. Her hoarse morning voice was one of the hottest things ever, especially given our circumstances at that moment. I swallowed hard. "Climb back in here with me."

Our kisses were long and drawn out, since we were both still tired. I buried my face in her neck as she rolled onto her back and pulled me on top of her. I was well aware of how exposed I was, with the sheets only partially covering between Jenna's legs. I didn't care that my ass was just out the open, and I'm sure Jenna didn't either with the way she could set her hands on it.

We fell asleep there, naked and cuddled against each other even more than the first time. We didn't move until someone knocked on the door and Jenna rolled us over so she could get up and answer it. She quickly threw on a pair of shorts and her shirt from the night before, and I watched her with admiration. She was gorgeous.

"Mum?" My eyes widened. "What are you doing here?"

"I just dropped by to see my daughter!" A kiss. "You look like a mess! You should've been up an hour ago. I rang you. Didn't you get my call?"

"Mum, you shouldn't be-"

"Is that a baby?"

I was dressed as best as I could now, with my shoes in hand and my hair a mess most likely.

"Isn't that-" Her mom stopped talking as I stepped out of her bedroom. Jenna had fear on her face. "It is Tay's baby."

"Hi," I greeted cheerfully. "It's been awhile."

Jenna's mom had the most scared and confused look. "How long as it been? Last I checked you were off and busy with a man and-"

"Mum, please," Jenna begged quietly.

"When did this happen?"

Jenna and I looked at each other for a moment. "About a month or so ago," she answered quietly.

Everyone remained silent until Jenna's mom clapped her hands together. "Well! Would you all like to go out to lunch?"

Wyatt began crying again, and before I could get to him Jenna grabbed my hand.

"Mum, could you hold him?" she asked. "Tay and I are going to get cleaned up a bit."

Before either of us could protest, she was dragging me into her bedroom and slammed the door shut.

"Why is your mother here?" I whispered frantically.

"Hell if I know," she whispered back.

"I can't stay here, Jen. I have to get back to Kellin."

With a small smile, she grabbed my hips and pulled me towards her. "Come on... Hang a little."

"I...I can't. I need...I need to get Wyatt home..." She leaned down to kiss me, and I could feel my mind altering what it wanted. Every kiss sent another shock wave through my body, one step farther away from saying no to her.

"Hey, what if..." Jenna trailed off, furrowing her eyebrows. "No, never mind. It's too much."


"Nothing. Forget it."

"Come on, Jen." I also wrapped my arms around her waist now, held in the comfort beneath hers.

"I want you to move back in with me. But that's a lot of moving in the past few months."

I froze. "I don't know..."

"That's why I said to just forget it. Don't worry about it. It was a dumb thought."

"Hey...I'll give it some thought, okay?"

She paused, then nodded. I gave her a small smile as she started to get ready, but she stopped again and turned to me.

"Aren't you and Kellin..."

I looked down. "I don't know what we are... He kisses me sometimes, most of the time we just...raise Wyatt."

"So...what does that mean for us?"

"Well, what do you want it to mean?"

She smiled shyly. "I...I don't know..."

I intertwined our fingers, moving closer so that our bodies were together. "Do you...want to be exclusive?"

She was looking at my lips now. Slowly, she nodded. "Yeah. I just want you."

I smiled into the kiss that followed, and let out a small giggle.

Lunch out with Jenna's mom was extremely awkward. The entire time she talked about how well Jenna's sister was doing, and rarely asked Jenna how things were going here. I could tell she was tense, so I grabbed her hand under the table.

As soon as it was over, I explained that I had to take Wyatt home, and Jenna's mom seemed to understand. Jenna, on the other hand, gave a small pout and begged me not to leave. With a kiss, I convinced her to drive me back to Kellin's. It was around one o'clock by then, and he was still asleep.

Wyatt was awake as ever, so I laid him on his play mat with the baby monitor beside him. Mine was attached to my belt loop as I went to wake up Kellin.

"You're home," he mumbled. "Where'd you go?"

"I, uh...I stayed the night at Jenna's," I replied.

He sighed and rolled onto his back. "Are you guys a thing? I just...I just want to know."I nodded and looked away, hearing the small breath he let out in response. "Are you happy?" Another slow nod. "Happier than you were with me?"

I paused. "It's different, Kells."

He pushed his eyebrows together. "How so?"

"You and I barely knew each other when we got together, you know? And Jenna and I have... I've known her for almost five years. We already assured everything we knew about each other, whereas you and I started from a blank canvas. It's different."

"Do you love her?" His words reminded me of the night before and I flinched. He looked at me with worry. "Did I...hurt you?"

I took in a breath and he sat up, silently asking to see what he'd done to me. Slowly, I pulled my arm out of the sleeve and slipped it beneath my shirt, exposing a small bruise around my bicep. He frowned.

"I did this to you?" My nod was quick. "Tay, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking. And I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, it's fine." I replaced my arm in the sleeve and pulled him into a hug. Wyatt began making noises on the monitor, so I pulled away. "I'm gonna go check on him."

"Hey..." Kellin's voice trailed off, stopping me in my tracks. "Um...are you...are you gonna live with her again?"

I blinked. "I don't know. I haven't really thought about it..."

"It's,'s okay... I understand. It'd probably be for the best anyway. You seemed happier and more comfortable living with her than living with me."

Unsure of what else to say, I walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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