Chapter 7

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"I don't wanna wake up anymore," Jenna sang as she dressed herself. I was watching from her bed, chuckling while she struggled to button up her shirt. "Help," she whined.

I giggled and sat up to unbutton and re-button her shirt--she'd completely messed up the entire alignment. When I finished and straightened her collar, she thanked me and began to slide on her pants.

"I don't know what I'd do without you dressing me, to be honest."

"Probably have me undressing you since you struggle with that too. Surprised you don't call me in the middle of sex like, 'Tay! The jeans are stuck again!' You're like a child."

"Hurtful." She pretended to pout and I rolled my eyes. She instead smiled and slid on her shoes. "Have I ever told you how gorgeous you look when you first wake up?"

My face reddened. "Um, no... Not that I can, um, think of..."

"Well, it's true." She straightened herself up and checked her hair in the mirror. "Why are you awake, by the way? You've slept through the last couple mornings of me trying to dress myself."

"Figured I'd wake up and help because you falling multiple times is painful to listen to."

Jenna chuckled again. "I'm gonna go now. Call me if you need me, you know how it is." I nodded and she walked over to kiss my cheek. "I'll let you know what time I'll be home. I think I have a package coming, so if you have to sign, please do. Also, if my mum calls the house phone, don't answer it. She already thinks you and I are sleeping together. Wouldn't want her to think we moved in together."

"But we did."

"You know what I mean." She rolled her eyes with a smile. "Don't pick it up if it's mum, please. Besides, you'll be on the phone for ages."

"A couple years in ten minutes won't kill me."

"You're ridiculous beyond belief. I'll see you when I get home, love."

For the third time in a row, Jenna went out to lunch with that Rebecca girl (she moved up to calling her "Becky"). I wasn't complaining on the outside (except about the horrific cramps I was getting that day). Jen would always call afterwards and tell me every detail that happened, and when she got home from work we went out to dinner, where she told me even more.

"And that's when she said-"

" 'Honestly, I don't even like hot sauce as much as I should,' " I finished. "Yeah, you told me."

"I did? Sorry. It's just...I feel happy right now, Tay. Like, really happy. I'm sorry. I'm probably annoying you. How was your day?"

I looked up at her to see her face red. With a sigh, I apologized. "I didn't mean to be rude."

"No, I understand. I talk about her a lot... Maybe too much. I'm sorry."

"Jen, she makes you happy." I cringed at my words. "All I want is you to be happy."

She smiled. "Yeah, I am. Thank you."

I nodded. As I went to return to my dinner, a hard pinch in my back caused me to wince. Jenna didn't hesitate to notice.

"You okay?" she asked.

I nodded and forced a smile, trying to ignore the stabbing pain. "Yeah. Just small cramps. It's been on and off all day."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "More often than normal cramps?"

"Yeah, but I'm fine."

She looked skeptical but dropped it; at least until we were driving home twenty minutes later and I felt another one.

*DISCONTINUED* Don't You Worry (Jardougall)Where stories live. Discover now