Chapter 13

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Tay's P.O.V.

The lights were off in the apartment when Wyatt and I returned home. Kellin had most likely fallen asleep, and I was thankful for not having to deal with him when I opened the door. The Jenna Situation was still replaying in my mind and I was better off not being confronted by Kellin.

Once Wyatt was asleep in his crib, I climbed into bed beside Kellin, who instantly wrapped his arm around me and took in a deep breath. He was planting soft kisses on me when he paused.

"You smell different," he said. His voice was hushed and hoarse, so I assumed he'd already been asleep for a few hours.

Rolling over to face him, I kissed his bare chest a few times. He fell back asleep quickly.

Kellin was extra noisy in the morning, trying to find all of Wyatt's things to pack so they could visit Kellin's mom Mary.

Mary was a total sweetheart, in all honesty. As far as I was concerned she loved me. We had always gotten along just fine when Kellin and I had first started dating. Today would be her first time seeing Wyatt since the day he was born, and Kellin was just as excited as Mary.

"You have everything, right?" I asked.

He sighed in annoyance, as I was quadruple-checking with him that he would be entirely prepared for his first day with Wyatt in public without my help. "Yes, Taylor," he grumbled.

"Come here, grumpy." He walked over to the bed, where I pulled him closer to me. "You're a fantastic father, and you're gonna do just fine without me today."

"I'll miss you though," he said. We kissed for a bit before I pushed him back.

"You have to go. You're gonna be late."

"Shit, right." He pecked my lips. "We'll see you in a few hours." Another kiss, this one making me giggle a little at the surprising affection. "Okay, bye! We love you!"

"Bye, boys." I waved goodbye to Wyatt, who was sleeping in his car seat.

Spending the day without having Wyatt felt weird to me. He was always in my arms, or in the room with me, and now I felt lonely. So I called Jenna.

It probably wasn't the smartest idea, as I still wanted to keep my distance from the night before. But I couldn't stay away from her and I knew she would cheer me up. When I answered the door at her arrival, she grabbed my hand and tugged me out of the apartment.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"We're going out." She stopped us on the stairs, stepping up so there was only a one step difference. Her arms were wrapped around my waist, pulling me in as she bit her lip. "I kind of really want to kiss you but I feel like you're still awkward. So I won't. But I want to." She was looking at my lips, swallowing hard. She quickly turned around and continued bouncing down the steps.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Not sure yet," she answered. "It's a surprise for us both. Wherever the city takes us, I guess."

"That's the stupidest thing."

"Yes, I know." She was looking at me again, smiling. "But you think it's cute when I ramble, don't you?"

I paused and shrugged, trying not to think too much. I did think it was cute. I thought a lot of things Jenna did were cute. Jenna was just so absolutely cute.

"I knew it," she said. She was smirking the slightest bit; not in a super douchebaggy "I-told-you-so way, but in an adorable I-really-want-to-kiss-you-so-I'm-pretending-to-be-a-cocky-asshole way.

We ended up walking around the city. Seeing as how I couldn't drink still, Jenna made sure we were drunk off laughter. It made being without Wyatt a lot easier, and by the time she was taking me back to Kellin's apartment, all my worry had slipped away.

For a bit we stood out in the hallway, still laughing and talking a bit. Then she took in a breath.

"I'm going to kiss you now," she said adorably, "because every time I look at you it makes me want to even more."

My cheeks were warm as she set her hands on my face and kissed me, making me melt a little in her hold. Caught up, still, when we pulled away, I struggled to reach for the door handle. I attempted to bump it open with my hip, only to not have it budge and a large thump to come from it. Jenna was smiling at me.

"Right, the...the handle..." I let out a nervous chuckle and tried again, this time getting the door open. My mind was jumbled from her kiss. "Thank you."

"For kissing you?" She was still smiling, and I smiled back.

"Well...yeah, that too. Just, um, for today. It means a lot. It's're just... I'm gonna kiss you."

Jenna let me fall into her arms as we kissed again. Her hands were running along my hips and I couldn't help the way I melted again. We were in the apartment, still kissing as we crashed on the couch. Suddenly I was pulling back.

"We can't have sex," I breathed out. She tilted her head. "Well, I can't have sex."

"Right," she sighed. "The...yeah..."

"Plus, we're...we're in Kellin's apartment and it wouldn't be right."

"Yeah..." I climbed off her to let her sit up and we remained in silence for a moment until she nodded. "I think I'm gonna get going."

"Oh, um, okay..."

"Just one more kiss." I nodded quickly as she kissed me softly and sweetly, and then stood up. "I'll see you later."


it's so short and it's so bad but I'm trying so hard and here's a short chapter but okay Jardougall ??? All of the Jardougall ???

*DISCONTINUED* Don't You Worry (Jardougall)Where stories live. Discover now