5.) Occlumency and Legilimency

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Bianca's POV:

Bianca never really paid much attention to Rye and Kim's archenemy, Tyler Bellacourt, as his snarky side comments were never directly aimed at her. But for the first time in four years, the haughty blonde was getting into her.

It was the way he was looking at her. She first saw it inside the train on the way to Hogwarts, when they ran into each other on the deserted corridor on the way to their carriages. Well, it was not just the look that bothered her; it was also that invisible force that wanted to touch her mind. On reflex, she repelled it like swatting an invisible fly. She did it without even raising her hands like her mother would. After that, the penetrating look shifted to awe. Before she melted under his ocean blue eyes, she left him gaping, bumping on his shoulder in the process.

As Bianca proceeded to her advance reading, she found out that what the prat did was legilimency and what she did was occlumency. These types of magic are way advanced. The wizards and witches that succeeded in these fields are mostly purebloods that excel in the dark arts. The most well-known half-blood to excel on both was the late Severus Snape, former Potions teacher and headmaster of Hogwarts, now replaced by Professor Slughorn and Headmistress McGonagall.

Being a pureblood has its perks, indeed.. She remembered Hermione Granger, who quoted it and is now Mrs. Hermione Malfoy. The couple tied the knot and invited her to witness the beautiful ceremony. She was accompanied by her mother, Angelique, and had finally met Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter, with their wives, Lavender and Ginny. The brightest witch of Harry Potter's age has finally come to terms with her wandless magic and is now a certified healer at St. Mungo's. Her own mother was offered to train as a healer on Minister Shacklebolt's recommendation. She talked about it with Dad, and he seems ecstatic that Mom will be able to make use of her magical abilities. Mom will be training next month.

Getting her thoughts back to Bellacourt, the git was obviously trying to get into Bianca through advanced magic called legilimency. And her unknowingly doing occlumency conveyed a message that there's more to her than just being a smart Ravenclaw. That slicky Slytherin.

By Thursday morning, the first day of classes, Rye and Kim noticed that something was not right with her. Her usual self, who's mostly nonchalant, is now somewhat bothered.

"Amiga, is something the matter?" Bianca groaned inwardly as her best friends picked up on their spirit bond and what was going on with her emotions. Kim is looking expectantly at her while Rye is eating in silence, but his attention is on her.

Carefully, she cast a silencing charm around them in an unsuspecting manner. Then she proceeded to tell them about Bellacourt.

"It's Bellacourt; he's been eyeing me since the train ride."

"The git! He's hitting on you, isn't he?" Trust Kim to overreact.

"He's gone bonkers if that's the case," Rye commented, almost done with his ham and egg sandwich. "No offense, doll, but most boys here in school refer to you as 'The Ice Princess'. With that, anyone brave enough to pursue you, well, is—"

"Mental." Kim finished his sentence; that happens most of the time. "I've heard that from a few Gryffindor girls at the girl's lavatory sometime last year."

Thinking that stinking Bellacourt is pursuing her only intensified her uneasiness. Just the thought was enough to make Bianca's heart beat faster than normal.

"Anyway, at the train, we ran into each other and he did the most peculiar thing—"

"Merlin's pants! He-he kissed you! That bloody snake!"

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