(4) Hate At First Sight

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"I don't have much time." My dad whispered urgently to me, his eyes clouded with worry and fear, a look I had never seen on him.

"B-but... Okay." I said after a few moments of thinking over my reaction. Wasn't he dead?!

"I'm not dead," He stated, as if reading my mind. "Your mother thinks I am dead. Do not tell her I am alive."


"Listen. Do not trust anyone. Anyone could be after you. You can only trust your two friends." He said and I nodded, listening intently.

"I have to go, watch out for a man named Hunter. I'm pretty sure your mother explained this, but if you see an older man named Hunter, run and don't look back." He told me and I nodded again. He embraced me tightly and I felt a few tears sliding down my cheek.

"Dad... Where are you going?"

"I'm going... I'm going to find Hunter and protect you from him."


"I love you, Alex. Happy Birthday." He whispered in my ear and he covered my eyes. It reminded me so much of the dream I had.

I felt the hands behind taken off and I opened my eyes to see my dad was nowhere to be found. I sighed sadly and stared at the spot he had been standing in.

"Bye daddy, I love you." I murmured. I glanced around the room and finally took in the space I would be living in for the next few years. Or a year. I didn't know how this school worked.

There was a queen-size bed in the middle of the room and two nightstands on both sides, both with old victorian-style lamps. There was an oak wardrobe in the left corner of the room and a bathroom right beside it. The right side of the room contained a flat-screen TV and a wooden desk, and there was a closet next to it.

I started setting up my room, spreading the bedsheets on the bed, folding clothing, hanging clothes in the closet, putting the necessary items in the bathroom, setting up my entertainment collection, making the desk a perfect study station.

I truthfully was just trying to keep my mind off of what had just happened.

I checked the spongebob alarm clock I had plugged in and noticed it was almost 3 P.M. I had plenty of time before any worthwhile activites occured.

I decided I would head out for a drive, might clear my head. I had gotten my license earlier than most teenagers because of my parents connections.

Or at least, that was what they had told me.

Shutting the white door softly behind me, I walked out of the crowded hallway and onto the front lawn of the campus. I smiled when I saw my mom had brought my silver buggy. I slid into the front seat and started thee car, letting the engine roar to life.

I backed out of my parking space and drove out onto the open road. It was so peaceful and serene. It allowed me to think over what all had happened.

I had transferred to a new school.

I had seen my father.

And I had found out how rich this school is.

Not much, but truthfully a lot for a normal teenagers day.

Then again... I'm not exactly normal.

I turned on the radio and tapped my fingers to the beat of a song I didn't know. I turned the corner and it all happened in a flash.

I heard a scream, wasn't it my own? The world around me went black but I was aware of everything.

But... I could hear a faint beep.


SHORT CHAPTER AGAIN! Sorry D: I just needed to update. I HAD THIS WHOLE CHAPTER TYPED OUT... but the computer caught a virus and BLAH D:

Anyways, JESSE ISN'T DEAD :D Now... stop guilt-tripping me D:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2013 ⏰

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