(2) Hate at First Sight

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“Wh-what?!” I stutter out, a single tear falling down my cheek. “PLEASE tell me you’re lying PLEASE!” I plead; glancing at the door, hoping my father would walk in any second, yelling, ‘SURPRISE!’ and hugging me tightly. But this would be a cruel joke. Even for him! But he couldn’t be dead!

“I-I’m sorry sweetie…” My mom says, her voice cracking with every sound and tears flowing down her face. I pull her into a tight hug and notice that my sister’s face paled and that my brother was crying. Don’t fucking say anything. Just because men shouldn’t cry doesn’t mean he won’t. And don’t even make one damn gay joke. Last time someone did they ended up in the fountain.

“Al there is something we need to tell you.” Alex said and I looked at him. He even used my nickname, not clever or funny, but that meant he was trying to make me a bit more happy. Yeah, well that just made me bursting with joy! Note the sarcasm.

“Spencer… Taylor… Can you two please go upstairs?” My mother asks, pleadingly and my siblings nod quickly, walking up the stairs and my mom made sure the doors were closed when she looks at me.

“There’s something… me, Alex, your father, and… Pretty much everyone that I’m close to… Have been keeping from you...” She tells me and my heart stops.

“You were… hiding things from me?! I thought we were family!” I yell at her, suddenly I felt like I was having a fight with a boyfriend. Even though I never had one.

“That’s enough.” Alex sends a serious look at I know this isn’t the time to be throwing a fit. I sigh and look at her.

“Your father and I… there was this man after us named Hunter. He loved me. Well, more like he was obsessed with me. He almost killed your father before. Well… he escaped. And we assume he killed your father. There is a lot more that I can’t explain…”

“What?! You just tell me that and then you say you can’t tell me anything?!” I whine, Alex then looks at me and sighs.

“Hunter was the leader of a gang. I was in the gang and so was your father. We both… left. Because your father was in love with your mother and he was distracted because of her. Hunter then went after them. And after I left, he went after me too.” He informs me and I was surprised my jaw didn’t fall off.

“So… all this time, you never told me?” I question my mom and Alex, slightly hurt.

“Well, we never thought we needed to… but there’s another thing.” My mother says and I almost groan.

“What?” I ask and she smiles sheepishly at me.

“You’re going to Adeline.” She says with a shrug and I send a glare to her. “It’s the safest place for you right now.”

“Fine.” I puff out my cheeks and Alex and my mother look at me with surprise. What? No faith that I can listen?

“You’re leaving tomorrow.” My mother says and I nod as I stalk up the stairs, but before that my mom calls, “Oh! And your sister is going to Adeline with you! Your brother is going to Cambridge!”
I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming every foul thing I can think of and just nod, walking down the hallway.

I stop at my room and peer inside as I walk in. I quickly slam the door behind me and jump onto my bed, screaming into my pillow with these thoughts going through my head:

Why me?! Why did this stupid Hunter guy have to kill my father?! Why did he love my mother?! Or… was obsessed with her! Same thing!

I slam my fist against the wall as I grab my suitcase out from under my bed and start shoving things into it. I barely even take a glance at the clothing I shove in. I look at the last item closely though and smile. My dad gave me it for my fifteenth birthday. It was a golden locket with rhinestones outlining it. If you opened it there was a picture of me when I was a baby and my two parents at their wedding. I felt a tear prick my eye and I put the locket in my bag, smiling.

I sigh as I pace around my room, really trying to ignore the talking downstairs and I heard enraged screams which were courtesy of my older sister and confused questions from my younger brother. They obviously didn’t understand what was going on and I was partially relieved.

I stop at the body-length mirror and look myself up and down and compare myself to my mother when she was my age. We were so different but yet… so the same. Why did I look almost exactly like her? The only difference was I had lighter hair and I was more tomboyish. My phone rings and I see Jenna’s picture on the screen and I sigh, pressing accept call and hearing her voice.

“I… Uhm… heard about… Hunter…” Jenna’s normally shrill and excited voice was replaced with a sad and depressed one.

“Yeah… let me guess, your mom?” I ask and I could just see her nodding.

“Yeah… You heading to Adeline too?”

“What do you think? Ugh.”

“Well, think of it this way, you get away from Eric.”

“I know… but still.” I whine, more annoyed than upset. Eric. Ugh. That name was just… it belonged to the most egotistic asshole of the century. We met when I was out with my friends, it was my thirteenth birthday and my friends decided to take me out to celebrate. We walked into Starbucks and I got the best thing ever. Hot chocolate with whip cream and sprinkles on top. I turned and I ran straight into a guy, spilling my hot chocolate all over him. I tried to say I was sorry but I was laughing to hard. He just hated me ever since.

“Whatever, we know you love him!”
“Do not!”

“Do too!”

“I don’t!”

“You so do!”

“Shut up!”

“You d-“ Before she can continue you I press end call and sigh, falling back on my bed. I did not like Eric, let’s get that straight. I hated him. I wouldn’t have hated him if he embarrassed me in front of the whole school.

My phone rings again and I accept the call, thinking it was Jenna.

“I don’t like him!” I yell and I hear a whimper.

“What did I do?!” Kiara exclaims like a child and I roll my eyes at her.

“Sorry, I was having the ‘I don’t like Eric.’ Conversation with Jenna again.” I mutter, ashamed.
“You do though…”

“Shut it!”

“Well… I heard about Jesse…” Her tone softens and I sigh.


“I’m so sorry…”

“It’s okay.”

“Well. I have to go because my dad wants me. Bye!” And she hangs up and I sigh, falling back on my bed and falling to sleep.
I’ve finally got you now.” A deep voice says as hands wrap around my neck.

“L-let me go!” I stutter out weakly as I struggle against the strong hands.

“I’ve been waiting this long. You look exactly like your mother.” The voice whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

“Get a-away from me!” I screech, thrashing in the strong arms I was in.

“I’ve been waiting far too long. Your mother rejected me for some son of a bitch!”  He yells and that did it, I slapped him which I knew was the wrong thing to do. If this was a cartoon he would have steam coming out of his ears and I bite my lip nervously, backing away. Suddenly the man is thrown to the side as my dad comes out and I couldn’t have been happier. Tears of joy brimmed my eyes as I ran up and hugged him.

“You need to listen okay?” He asks and I nod eagerly, hugging him tightly.
“You need to be careful who you can trust, you can trust Kiara and Jenna but those are the only two people I know you can. I want you to be safe.”

“Daddy…” I whisper, looking up at him. “Please… don’t go.”

“You’ll be safe princess.” He says with a smile as he suddenly fades. “Happy birthday.” I hear whispered and everything fades.

My eyes shot open at the speed of bullets. Oh wait… not very good word choice on my part. I turn to look at the clock and I see its midnight. I slept for probably 12 or more hours! But I don’t blame myself… I was tired. Then something comes to mind about what my dad said to me and I bite my bottom lip.

Happy sixteenth birthday to me.
Alright, not the best ending in my opinion but whatever. Anyways. I ALMOST DIED WHEN I SAW HOW MANY PEOPLE READ THIS! THAT WAS AMAZING! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! You have no idea how exciting this is for me. Even though its not that much. Anyways I feel like I’m already destroying Alex (the girl) >.< By killing her father (WHICH KILLED ME INSIDE D: ) And by making her sixteenth birthday the day after.
PLL Rant: TELL ME WHO A IS ALREADY! I MUST KNOW! I mean at first I thought it was _____ (SPOILER: Mona) but now she isn’t? Ugh, I’m way too excited for the next episode!

Anyways yeah, COMMENT VOTE AND… something >.< I seriously can’t think straight right now. So yeah… I’ll probably edit this when I’m more awake.


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