Hate At First Sight

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Mom!” I whine, crossing my arms as she scolds me. I tone her out during the whole thing and when she’s finally done, I sigh as she walks out of the room and my dad walks in.

“Hey sweetie.” He says, smiling and walking into the room, sitting on the edge of my bed.

“Dad, why is mom being so over-protective about this!? I mean come on it was just one prank!” I argue, crossing my arms over my barely-there chest. My dad strokes me hair and smiles at me.

“Because she thinks you’re going to fall in love.” He whispers with a smirk and I look at him, confusion layering my eyes. What was he talking about?

“What do you mean?” I ask my dad and he smiles at me, he looks up at the ceiling as-if he was having a flashback and I sit there, tapping my foot. “Hello?!” I yell at him abruptly and he jumps half a foot in the air and I laugh.

“You remember how your mother and I met right?” He questions with a smile and I nod excitedly.

“Yeah! It was way back when mom was 14! She was out with one of her friends getting ice cream when you ran into her and spilled Oreo ice cream on her!” I say, bursting into a fit of giggles. I wasn’t normally like this, but my dad and I had a special bond. We told each other everything.

“Yep, and after that we went into a prank war. And eventually, she realized her feelings for me.” My dad says with a triumphant smirk and I whack the back of his head lightly, smiling.

“It’s not like that’ll happen to me.” I remark in an upset and annoyed tone and my father chuckles, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and I lay my head against his chest.

“You’re a lot like your mother, you look almost exactly like her and you act like her too.” My dad says with a smile and I roll my eyes even though I knew it was true. My mother and I looked almost exactly the same, well, when she was my age that is. The only difference was my hair was the lighter brown that she always wanted to have, and I had bright blue eyes. I also had to have glasses, but I normally wore contacts, or just didn’t wear them period. Against my mother’s wishes, of course. I was more of a rebellious teenager. But I always found my way out of trouble one way or another.

“I know.” I say with a pout and my father laughs, glancing at the clock and he kisses my forehead.

“I think you need to get some sleep.” He says with a smile and I pout like a child, really not wanting to go to sleep.

“But I’m not tired!” I protest as he moves his arm and lays me down on the bed, tucking me in like I was still 5 years old. He smiles and walks towards the door.

“Goodnight princess.” He comments, turning off the lights and walking out of the room.  I smile as I close my eyes, turning on my side and trying to sleep when I hear the faint sound of yelling and I sit up automatically. My parents never fought. Ever. I quietly tiptoed to the door, trying not to make the floorboards creek and open the door ever so slightly, hearing my parents raised voices made shivers go down my spine. I’ve gotten yelled at, but I’ve never heard yelling like this.

“He’s out of jail!” My father yells and I cringe. I’ve never heard him yell. He was always cheerful and smiling. I didn’t even want to see his face now.

“I know that! We need to keep her safe Jesse!” My mom yells back, angrily. I hear a creak down the hallway and turn to see my younger brother peeking out the door, he was 14, not much younger than me.

‘What’s going on?’ He mouths and I shrug sadly, gesturing for him to go back into his room. He does so, but with a great amount of hesitation.

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